Page 48 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 48

Why You Must Advertise No Matter What You do  17

without its service because there was no advertising to
tell them about it.”

   And consider Mozart. He wrote the world’s great-
est music, yet died penniless. Those who followed him,
who knew how to advertise, grew wealthy by market-
ing Mozart’s works.

   You can be the best worker, the smartest in your field,
a person who has won awards for your dedication and
excellence—but if you don’t somehow let people know
about your talents, they won’t ever call you or ask for
your help.

   Note this: When the Great Depression rocked the
country in the 1930s, most companies stopped all their
advertising. It seemed like a logical move. But many
of the companies who continued to advertise are still
around today!

   There’s no way around it.
   You must advertise.

                     HOW TO ADVERTISE

I get a lot of mail.
   It’s amazing to see so many people wasting their

money on advertising that doesn’t work. It makes me
gag. The ads, though often creative, don’t get results.
The flyers all look alike. The sales letters are impotent.
Yet people keep dumping their money into this so-called
advertising and they keep praying for results.

   Eventually they go bankrupt and a new advertiser
shows up to offer the same product or service in the
same limp way. After a while they fold and someone
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