Page 5 - 6 Secrets to Startup Success
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iv Contents
Chapter 4: The Pull of the Market: Attach to Your Customer, 81
Not to Your Idea
Developing a Strong Market Orientation
Antidote to the Passion Trap: Give Your Idea a Market Scrub
Chapter 5: Your Math Story: Charting a Path to Breakeven 103
and Beyond
Planning Is Clear Thinking
Constructing a Compelling Math Story
Securing the Right Funding
Chapter 6: Startup Agility: Executing with Focused Flexibility 125
The Paradox of Strong Execution
The New Venture Learning Curve
Chapter 7: Integrity of Communication: Your Secret 149
Startup Weapon
No One Is Immune to Reality Distortion
Integrity of Communication: The Basics
Four Personal Tools for Bursting the Feel-Good Bubble
Chapter 8: Staying Power: Give Your Venture Time to 169
Take Flight
Venture-Level Strategies: Strengthening and Lengthening
Your Runway
Founder-Level Strategies: Performing and Persevering
over Time
Appendix A: Startup Readiness Tool 191
Appendix B: Resources and Readings 207
Notes 215
Index 227
American Management Association •