Page 9 - 6 Secrets to Startup Success
P. 9
viii Acknowledgments
Dawn Ballenger, who came to this book project just as the writing
of the manuscript was beginning, has been the person most indispens-
able to the quality and integrity of the finished product. Dawn spear-
headed the book’s research, was a close partner in developing the
ideas and structure of each chapter, and brought a gifted editorial
eye to all drafts. She has also become the rock of Ready Founder
Services and, driving our most vital research and
product development efforts.
I owe a great debt to David Fugate, founder of LaunchBooks Lit-
erary Agency and a thriving entrepreneur himself, who was willing
to back a first-time author and provided expert coaching throughout
the process. Lori Spangard, of Terrace Blue Marketing, was vital dur-
ing the project’s earliest days, helping me shape first proposals and
connecting me with David Fugate (thanks also to entrepreneur ex-
traordinaire Louis Foreman, founder of Enventys and creator of
Everyday Edisons, for the assist here).
It’s been a pleasure working with the publishing professionals at
AMACOM Books, especially Robert Nirkind, who believed in this
book and invested more than his share of energy and ideas in making
it a reality, and Erika Spelman, who did most of the heavy lifting to
bring it past the finish line.
Adam Ortiz, of Executive Development Consulting, has provided
tremendous thought partnership and friendship throughout the proj-
ect. Thanks, Adam, for reading early drafts, for codeveloping the En-
trepreneur Core Characteristics Profile (thanks also here to S. Bart
Craig of North Carolina State University), and for being a rock-solid
business partner.
Thanks also to Mary Bruce, a pro’s pro when it comes to business
and management consulting, an early believer in the concept of as-
sessing entrepreneurial readiness, and a trusted colleague and busi-
ness partner.
To Pamela Slim: Thanks for your generosity, leadership, and sup-
port for me and for Charlotte’s (and the planet’s) entrepreneurial
In no particular order, for a range of contributions without which
this book would not exist, thanks also to: Matt Spangard and the team
American Management Association •