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Three Greatest Ideas for
Building the Empire of Your Dreams


For whatever reason, many people find that their dream does not lie in their own

business. They like the comfort of an employer, and the security of a company car

and pension scheme. But into middle age, even these people start to feel that 'Yes,

but what is in it for me?' feeling of those who, at that time of life, take the plunge.

There is, of course, a middle road. Build your own empire within an

empire. Run your part of the business in such a way that you become as Do not mislead

autonomous as you wish. Perhaps you could make your division into a     yourself;

separate subsidiary company, this gives you many of the trappings of go- empire-

ing on your own, even including share options linked to the performance building isnot a

of your company. Here are three ideas for pursuing that dream.          part-timejob;

                                                                        so the first thing

                                                                        you have to do

Idea 98 - Get someone else to do the work                               /s make your

                                                                        department or

Do not mislead yourself- empire-building is not a part-time job - so the divisionrun

first thing you have to do is make your department or division run using using very //We

very little of your time. This is particularly true if you are in a location of your time.

remote from head office where empire-type decisions are made. You will

need to be there much more than back at the ranch; so make sure you have someone

good whom you can trust to run the operational side of the business without you.

I know that this has some dangers, not the least of which is that any person

good enough to fulfil this role will realise that he or she is actually producing the

results. They will manoeuvre this situation towards their own career ambitions and
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