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P. 168
156 • The 100 Greatest Ideas for Building the Businessof Your Dreams
don't buy a mobile phone 124-5 go with the flow 36
don't dream your way into stupid projects holidays 34-5
people can smell fear 35
126 product/customer link 33-4
don't expand too quickly 123 salary 30-31
don't ignore opportunities to reduce risk 123 see value from customer's point of view 32-3
don't let today's mail set today's agenda cost benefit analysis 42-3
121-2 fix/know 114
know your critical success factors 122 start-up 25-6
learn from mistakes of others 126 variable 55
sell to existing customers 124 creative plans 127
business-to-business selling 61-2 connect analysis to objectives tightly 138-9
customer training 70-71 get team to toe the line 135-6
deliver products on time/within budget 67-8
encourage sensible buying decisions 62-7 do not duck issues 137-8
evaluate results/adapt project 72-3 equal voice/equal vote 136-7
gain reputation as solution seller 71-2 100 per cent agreement 137
make business processes deliver 69-70 talk/document succinctly 136
take lost business very seriously 68-9 think before you speak 138
see also big ticket selling keep documentation brief 141-2
never let suppliers down 127-9
capital investment decision 62 process 129
agree tactical business case including cost analyse data 132-3
justification 64 gather database of knowledge 131-2
establish implementation priorities/controls get agreement to allocation of resources
involve management/staff 63-4 to implement plan 135
select exact functionality 65-6 mission 129-30
select necessary products/services/suppliers plan activities necessary to achieve
objectives 134
cashflow statements 97-100 re-sort activity plan into resource plan
identification 90-91 set objectives for team 133-4
knowledge of 20-21 team members 130
consultants 26 timing of work 130-31
becoming 29-30 use radar 139-41