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Index 157

   see also planning                              goodwill 115-16
                                                  holidays 34-5
   acceptability of staff 54                      home-working 37-40
   and consultants 32-4
   count 116-17                                   key people, times for agreed decision date 87
   helping buying decision 62-7                   KISS (keep it simple, stupid) 96-7
   looking 'big' 58-9
   needs 81-3                                     leverage, operating/financial 47-50
   prospect continuously 57-8                     location 24-5
   selling to existing 124
   talk regularly to 59                           McKinsey 32
   training 70-71                                 management buyout (MBO) 10-13
   treatment of 114-16                            market, keeping in touch with 57-60
   understanding 19-20                            Marks and Spencer 128
                                                  mobile phones 124-5
dreams, pursuing
   get someone else to do the work 151-2          office space 37
   read a book about it 152                          acquiring 40
   take on extraneous tasks 152                      allocation in home 37-8
                                                     don't stint on telephone lines 38-9
finance 41                                           find out what is tax-deductible 38
   borrowing money 46
   fraud 45-6                                     planning
   investment decision 63                            add up equipment/start-up costs 25-6
   leverage 47-50                                    choose markets wisely 18-19
   mantras                                           describe/compare key people 22
       costs are real/benefits are sort of dream     know thine enemy 20-21
           42-3                                      for a lucky break 27-8
       profit is an opinion/cash is reality 41-2     make sure price is right 23-4
   project decision making 83-5                      picking your spot 24-5
   trade status 43                                   research market realistically 22-3
       limited company 45                            take bank forms seriously 26-7
       partnership 44                                use ideal technique to understand customers
       sole trade 44                                         19-20

franchise 14-15
   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171