Page 40 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 40

Effective Time Management Strategies

heed these calls, at least limit them by screening
with either your employees or caller ID. Do not
allow email pop-ups while working at your
computer. (More on interruptions in the next

Schedule Reactive Activity – Set appointments
during the day when you will read and respond to
email, when you will answer telephones, when you
will take interruptions!

Have A Plan B – This might be one the greatest
time savers you will ever use. No matter how well
you plan, things happen that you will have no
control over, events or occurrences that suddenly
give you unplanned time. Your appointment might
not show, you could be kept waiting for an
appointment, or an employee could be late.
Keep productive activities available as a plan B to
substitute at any given time.

Keep Meeting Times – Start meetings promptly and
always give the ending time the same precise
attention. Follow meeting plans.

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