Page 42 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 42

Effective Time Management Strategies

other’s time is impudent. Time is the very
substance of life. Keeping people waiting for
appointments and meetings, does not show you are
important. It shows you are impolite. If you want
people to respect your time, start by respecting

Be Generous - Give Others Specific Time – Give
people regular and specific times when you are
available for impromptu meetings or conversations.
Those people who might be used to ‘popping in’
throughout your day who might sometimes have
important information, will continue to communicate
with you especially if they know they will have their
own time slot. Be strict but give them time to adjust
to your schedule. (This does not mean you should
surrender to any negative time wasters.)

Blame it on the Clock! – When people have
reached the end of their appointment or time slot,
simply state, “The clock says I have to go now,” or
“According to the clock, I have to get to my next
meeting.” This gets you off the hook, and you’ll find
most people will not object – it’s hard to argue with
the clock!

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