Page 43 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 43

Effective Time Management Strategies

After you have determined where your time is
going, you can then create goals to rid yourself of
your own person time wasters. Set goals and keep
track of whether or not you are accomplishing them.
Use organizational tools to help you complete your
goals. You may prefer a Day Planner, a software
program such as Microsoft Outlook, or a Palm Pilot.
Whatever tool you choose to use, prioritize each
day’s tasks. Determine what tasks must be done
today, what your long-term deadlines are, and what
things need to be accomplished in the future.

Reevaluate this list as necessary. Always leave
time in your schedule for the unexpected. Twenty
to thirty hours of your week should be devoted to
specific tasks. However, attempt to leave around
ten hours free for the unexpected. You never know
when you will need more time on a project than you
expect or when a personal issue may arise that
must be addressed.

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