Page 109 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 109


By learning where the pitfalls lie in negotiations, it is possible
to sidestep them and ensure satisfying results that last for all

The idea

Harvard Business School (HBS) professor James Sebenius
specializes in the field of complex negotiations. In 1993, HBS made
negotiation a required course in its MBA program, and created a
negotiation department within the school.

Sebenius identified six mistakes responsible for the failure of
many negotiations. By avoiding them you can negotiate your way to
success. These pitfalls, outlined in Harvard Business Review, are:

• Neglecting the other side’s problems. If you do not understand the

    problems your negotiation partner is trying to overcome, you
    will not be able to offer the best solution.

• Letting price bulldoze other interests. It is easy to focus exclusively

    on price. Make sure you do not ignore other important factors—
    such as creating a positive working relationship, goodwill, a
    social contract between both sides, and a deal-making process
    that is respectful and fair to everyone.

• Letting positions drive out interests. Despite the existence of

    opposing positions, there may be compatible interests. Rather
    than trying to persuade someone to abandon a particular
    position, it can be more productive to develop a deal that satisfies
    a diverse range of interests.

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