Page 114 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 114
Dove, a leading provider of skin and hair care products, implemented
a feel-good advertising promotion with its “Campaign for Real
Beauty.” Straying from the typical approach of cosmetic companies
using attractive models, Dove encouraged customers to feel happy
about the way they look naturally. Using models with a “realistic”
appearance, Dove encouraged women to have a positive body
image regardless of conventional beauty standards. British
newspaper The Times commented on the campaign: “Dove presents
a refreshing antidote to the jaundiced narcissism of the professional
supermodel hired to sell beauty products.”
By rebelling against some of the negative or traditional practices in
advertising, Dove and Orange created goodwill and positive brand
awareness, while entertaining and amusing potential customers.
So don’t just make your customers feel better about your product:
make them feel better about themselves.
In practice
• Understand the sense of humor, social concerns, and typical
“personality” of your target market.
• Consider involving entertainers in your ad campaigns to provide
a memorable comic edge.
• Integrate any corporate social initiatives your company is
undertaking into your advertising campaign.
• Do not feel pressured to fit your product into conventional
advertising. Be critical and adapt your marketing into a more
lively and customer-focused offering.