Page 111 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 111


If your product can be partnered with another, the popularity of
the other product may directly affect your sales.

The idea

A “complementary good” is a product that is often consumed
alongside another product. For example, beer is a complementary
good to a soccer match, while a travel pillow is a complementary
good for a long plane journey. When the popularity of one product
increases, the sales of its complementary good also increases. By
producing goods that complement other products that are already
(or about to be) popular, you can ensure a steady stream of demand
for your product.

Some products enjoy perfect complementary status—they have to be
consumed together, such as a lamp and a lightbulb. However, do not
assume that a product is perfectly complementary, as customers may
not be completely locked in to the product. For example, although
motorists may seem obliged to purchase petrol to run their cars,
they can switch to electric cars.

While for some industries producing complementary goods is an
optional way to increase revenue, in others it is a compulsory step to
avoid becoming obsolete. Producers of video games have to ensure
their games are compatible with the latest consoles, while technology
firms have to ensure their software programs are compatible with
the latest computers and operating systems.

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