Page 93 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 93
In practice
• Research the people you are outsourcing to—are they trustworthy
and capable? What advantages do they offer?
• Be clear about the terms of the arrangement, and put in place a
clear “service level agreement” (SLA) specifying the tasks that
will be performed, how, when, and payment terms. Maintain
quality and service standards when outsourcing.
• Communicate frequently to ensure both parties agree on targets
and strategies.
• Remember that outsourcing can be a valuable opportunity to
exercise corporate social responsibility.
• In some cases of international outsourcing, research the
economy of the country where you are outsourcing, to ensure
you are paying a fair and living wage to outsourced employees.
• Make sure you are aware of the business practices used by your
outsourcing partner. Even if you are not in direct control of them,
you are associated with their organization. Any negative business
practices could easily result in your organization getting a
bad reputation.