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•172 The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Knorr cubes 153–4                              Newton, Isaac 30–31
Kodak 97                                       Nobel, Immanuel and Alfred 147
                                               Nutrilite vitamins 16–17
La Lotto de Firenza 24
leveraged buyout (LBO) 125–6                   Oxo Cube 153–4
Lewis, Michael 39
licence to print money 23                      packaging 158–9
limited companies 61–2                         Paddick, Hugh 150
lotteries 23–6                                 paperclips 100–102
                                               payment in advance 14–15
McDonald’s 95–6                                PayPal 137
McGregor, Douglas 105–8                        pens 99–100
mail order 2–3                                 people management 117–18
Manchester Business School 9                   personal computers 4–6
Marconi, Guglielmo 149                         Peters, Tom 110, 119–21
marketing                                      pharmaceuticals 152–3, 159
                                               Pope, Alexander 13
    branding 93–8                              Post-it® Notes 102–3
    mailshots 14                               Practice of Management, The (Drucker)
    network 16–17, 55–6
    person-to-person selling 16–17                         108–10
Maxwell, James Clerk 149                       profit centre management 112–13
Menlo Park 8                                   Proshare (UK) 36
Michie, Donald 77                              Prudential 53–4
Microsoft Windows 86, 87–9
Milken, Michael 126                            radio 148–50
money see finance                              regulations 26–7
monopolies 23                                  religion 127–8
motorcycles 6–7                                Reynolds 100
My Years with General Motors (Sloan)           risk-taking 161
                                               Roberts, Michael 19
            111–13                             Robertson, Pat 128
                                               Roebuck, Alvah 1–3
National Association of Investors Corporation  Round the Horne 150
            (USA) 36                           Royal Mail Enterprises 25
                                               Royal Mint 29–31
Nestlé 94
Neupert, Peter 136
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