Page 28 - PC 101 practical notes 24-25..
P. 28

         PHARM D- CLINICAL PHARMACY                        LEVEL I                        PHARM. ANAL. CHEM. I (PC 101)

                     Exp.: Determination of NH                               4Cl sample

          # NH 4Cl is acidic because it is a salt of strong acid (HCl) & weak base (NH 4OH).

          # NH 4Cl is determined by 2 methods:

                        1)  Back (Residual) titration method.

                        2) Formol method [specific method for ammonium salts].

                    A A) )   D De et te er rm mi in na at ti io on n   o of f   N NH H4C Cl l   s sa am mp pl le e   b by y   b ba ac ck k   t ti it tr ra at ti io on n

             P Pr ri in nc ci ip pl le e    : :

                             NH 4Cl  +  NaOH   ⎯       ⎯  ⎯→  NaCl  +  NH 3 +  H 20
                           (sample)  known excess
                                     of st. NaOH
                                        (50 ml)
                 It  depends  upon  boiling  the  ammonium  salt  with  a known  excess  of

          standard alkali (NaOH) producing ammonia which is removed by boiling. Then

          the remaining unreacted part of NaOH is back titrated against standard HCl

          using M.O. or indicator.

                                       NaOH  +  HCl   ⎯→  NaCl  +  H 20
                                   remaining   standard
                                   unreacted    titrant

          N No ot te es s: :

            1)  Boiling  is  necessary  for  the  reaction  between  NH 4Cl  and  NaOH  to

                remove the produced ammonia.

            2) This  method  requires  Blank  Determination  which  is  a separate

                determination in which we repeat the same steps of the experiment

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