Page 12 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 12

candidates in the eyes of the older                  generations. We should look into what else a
        generation, they are currently the largest pool      department can offer to a potential applicant
        of potential applicants.  The under 35               aside from a generous salary. A 2010 study
        generation have now surpassed Generation             by the Rand Corporation recommended
        X to become one of the largest segments of           offering such non-salary focused enticements
        the work force (Pew                                  as more frequent promotions; visible and
                                                             well defined career ladders and access for
        Research Center, 2010). If organizations are         employees to work out facilities. Additional
        to succeed, managers need to adopt                   effective salary-focused financial incentives
        leadership and management styles that align          can include increased pay for higher levels
        with the values and complement the work              of training or professional certification along
        styles of younger employees (Thompson &              with educational incentives such as tuition
        Gregory, 2012). These organizations should           reimbursement or student loan repayment
        use targeted recruiting practices in an effort       (Rand, 2010).
        to attract more applicants from the younger
        generations.                                         Large agencies like the New York City Police
                                                             Department (NYPD) faced an exodus of
                                                             baby-boomers who had reached their 20
        POSITION                                             years of service. In the face of this staffing
                                                             shortage, the NYPD successfully adopted
        There is an ongoing law enforcement                  strategies in an attempt to retain the officers
        recruitment crisis that is likely to increase in     and stem the loss with benefits such as
        severity if the assessment that Millennials and      retention bonuses and other incentives
        the younger generations are now far less             (Wilson, Dalton, Scheer & Grammich, 2010).
        likely to stay at their jobs or with a specific      These additional benefits need to be clearly
        agency until retirement is correct (Smith,           defined in the job posting in order to attract
        2016). Agencies need to consider how best            those candidates who may find them
        to appeal to a potential under 35 generation         appealing. The under 35 generation uses the
        candidate.      Law-enforcement        agencies      internet to search for jobs more than previous
        typically lack the resources and expertise to        generations. An agency’s generic job posting
        collect and assess data needed to develop            which does not list all the potential benefits
        strategies for their own personnel planning          will not be seriously considered by the
        needs (Rand, 2010). To resolve this, we must         younger generations.
        consider what we know about desires for
        personal lives and their professional lives          The under 35 generation places a high value
        generally expressed by those in the target age       on the work they do which contributes to
        range. To most of the under 35 generation,           society and in the recognition they receive
        time off is of greater importance than the           for their role in doing so.  The younger
        amount of money they make (Rand, 2010).              generations desire jobs that allow them to
        This makes recruiting by only focusing on the        make a meaningful contribution to society. If
        potential salary difficult with the younger          they perceive the job has no or even negative

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