Page 13 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 13
effects of the societal good, they are less Another common disqualifier (for otherwise
likely to get involved or remain involved. qualified applicants) can be any minor
This is of particular concern considering the criminal activity in their distant past. It is
current negative perception of law becoming more difficult for the general
enforcement in media and in the general population to meet all minimum
public. qualifications, such as a clean criminal
record, little to no drug use, good physical
In 2008, recruits representing forty-four of health, and financial stability (Rand, 2010).
the nations’ largest police and sheriff With the exception of minor traffic violations,
departments were asked to identify the minor misdemeanor offences such as minor
primary reason for entering law enforcement. in possession, curfew violations or shoplifting
Respondents gave the greatest emphasis on arrests can be an automatic disqualifier for
job security and to giving back to the potential applicants.
community (Castaneda & Ridgeway, 2010).
This survey not only shows that the under 35 A recent survey showed that approximately
generation does factor in the social good of half of 12th graders had smoked marijuana
a job when making a career choice but also and one out of four had used some other
gives other clues as to why law enforcement illegal drug by the time they finished 12th
had appealed to them. The same recruits grade (Rand, 2010). This means agencies
rated the potential of saving for retirement, with a zero tolerance policy on past drug use
agency-provided health insurance and the are now trying to recruit from less than half
opportunity for promotion or advancement their original potential pool.
over salary benefits when making their
decision (Castaneda et al., 2010). Agencies Another factor affecting law enforcement
should construct their job postings to focus hiring processes is the requirements to
more on community service, health comply with diversity requirements
insurance benefits, job security and mandated by their respective government
opportunities to advance rather than simply entities. In one instance, the City of New
emphasizing the starting salary which will Orleans, which has had more than 400
appeal more to the under 35 generation. openings on its police force, no longer
automatically disqualifies applicants who
By reassessing their position on once non- have injected heroin or smoked crack within
negotiable disqualifiers (drug use, minor a certain time-period. Chicago, with close to
criminal history, and physical shape), 970 openings, is reconsidering applicants
agencies can attract younger officers to fill with juvenile records: formerly considered
their ranks. Many agencies rule out a large an automatic disqualification (Williams,
number of applicants due to their current 2017).
policies on past drug use. A fair number of
agencies still have a zero tolerance policy for The trend of obesity and poor physical shape
past drug use of any kind. This stringency can in society has further limited the recruiting
stop a promising application in its tracks. pool. Many applicants in the RAND
Sept./Oct. 2022 • (512) 458-3140 9