Page 5 - TPA Journal January - February 2018
P. 5
From the
Executive Director
Raul Vargas
Greetings Members!
I hope this finds you all well rested and that phones any more are from solicitors!!! Some
you all had a Very Merry Christmas and tips to prevent you from being victimized are;
Happy New Year! It was an extremely cold
time for us Texans and a lot of folks getting
sick, even now! Take care of yourselves stay • Avoid charities that ask for donations
home if you feel sick, cover up a cough or in cash or through wire transfers
sneeze, and get to a doctor if you ain’t feeling
yourself! • Avoid making donations through credit
cards over the phone
Everything is pretty calm and not much really
to report at this time, but I did read an • Take time to verify that persons
interesting and appropriate article in an issue pushing social media fundraising are
of Police Digest Magazine that I wanted to legitimate. Don’t trust fundraisers
share with you all and briefed below. based on their name alone
Charities – seems like more and more “non- • Know true charities in your area – stick
profit” organizations are coming out and all of to those and volunteer if possible, and
them seem to be pushing on the sensitive
nerves of people in attempts of getting them to • With the increasing number of non-
“donate for a worthy cause!” While there are profit organizations, find a few you
so many causes out there that all affect people have personal connections with,
in different ways and tug at our heart strings, believe in whole-heartedly, and
with the widespread use of the internet and support them!
scams from far-away lands, one must always
be careful and watchful to not be taken in. Online scammers work to get your cash or
wire transfer quickly so that they can “cash-
Most commonly, if a Cop calls asking for in” and take off with their profit and
money, he’s most likely not a Cop – it’s disappear. They also work quickly to initiate
probably a Scam!” It seems like the only unauthorized purchases on your credit card
phone calls we receive on our land line before you are made aware of it.
Jan./Feb. 2018 • 866-997-8282 1