Page 6 - TPA Journal January - February 2018
P. 6

In closing, the Texas Police Association is the Please help us spread the word and recruit
first and oldest police organization of its type new members, paving the road to
in Texas, and it continues to be “Dedicated to sustainability and the next generation.
Improving the Police Profession.” With so
many Associations out there now, we must Until next time, take care, stay safe, and GOD
work to compete and remain sustainable! bless.

While individual Agency Associations are Respectfully,
vital and very important for the benefit and
purpose of its officers, please keep in mind,
consider and emphasize the importance of
TPA membership! TPA is a neutral and all
agency/officer Association, providing recent
and up-to-date legal updates on matters
relating to all levels of law enforcement. The Raul Vargas
“blue pages” are iconic to TPA and have long
since been helping officers perform their
duties professionally and avoiding bad case “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock
law. And now with our partnership with U.S. of which the Holy Spirit has made you
Law Shield, members have access to a quality overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God,
legal defense program and continental use of which he bought with his own blood.”
force coverage not offered by many or others. (Acts 20:28)

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