Page 8 - TPA Journal January - February 2018
P. 8

waged war on the black community. In a country the number of deadly force encounters with police by
populated by 320 million people, where violent crime doing two simple things: (1) recognizing their own
is a persistently large problem, 963 fatal officer- responsibilities to know the law and obey directives
involved shootings is not shockingly high; in fact, its issued by the police, and (2) taking responsibility for
surprisingly low. Of the 963 people shot and killed by their own actions and those of their offspring. By
police, 852 had guns, knives, or other weapons in simply doing what officers direct them to do and not
possession when shot. 63 people were armed with a doing anything the officers dont direct them to do is
device which, in the manner of its use or intended use, paying huge dividends.
represented a threat to officers at the time deadly force
In closing I wish you all a safe and happy new year in
was employed. 48 people were described as unarmed;
2018. I also recommend you consider bringing the
however, no information is available about the actions
they engaged in which resulted in gunfire in some U.S. Law Shields new Police Use-of-Force in the
cases. Granted, 1000 people killed by police bullets 21st Century course to your agencies as soon as
possible. It is an exceptional training opportunity
in a year is too many; however, this is exactly why
which we bring to you free of charge, with TCOLE
data on incidents where deadly force was justified but
credit included. For you voracious readers I
avoided must be maintained and publicized.
recommend the case study called The Myth of the
Whats driving the reduction in officer-involved Trigger-Happy Cop by Charles Campisi and the
shootings is a combination of tactics every agency book The War on Cops by Heather McDonald.
should consider. Technological advances such as Both will make you feel very good about yourselves
virtual reality (shoot/dont shoot) simulation training and better about American journalism. Until next
has played a key role in improving situational month, take great care of yourselves, your families,
awareness. Deployment of intermediate level, and your teammates.
defensive devices such as pepper spray (OC) and
conducted energy devices (Taser) provides officers
with alternative methods of disarming individuals
before deadly force becomes the only solution.
Increased training in cover, concealment, and Your brother in arms,
containment has also assisted with situational
awareness by decreasing the number of situations Cris Andersen, Director
where officers are forced to shoot people. By far the Law Enforcement Division
most compelling change belongs to the civilian United States Law Shield
community, which has made great strides in reducing

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