Page 13 - 2023 May June TPA Journal_Neat
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Medical Center, Ft. Hood, while serving with the City of Longview, and coordinating the
Emergency Medical Technology program and simultaneously serving on the founding
Board of Directors for the Kilgore College Fire Academy. I transferred to the U.S. Air Force
Active Reserve at Barksdale AFB, La in 1994.
My law enforcement career in Texas began in 2001 with the Longview Police Dept. as I
was attending the East Texas Police Academy, and afterwards serving 2 tours of active duty
with the Air Force Reserve in the Middle East as an Assistant Fire Chief of Combat
Firefighters. I retired from the City of Longview in 2012 as a Police Sergeant serving as
Patrol Sergeant, Honor Guard Supervisor, City Court Security Supervisor and Warrant
Division Supervisor as well as Police Explorer Post Sponsor. I served later as the Training
Coordinator for the Kilgore College Police Department. Afterwards, I served as Police
Sergeant (Crime Watch Coordinator) for the New London, TX Police, Dept. My last
assignment in Texas Law Enforcement was Police Chief in a small East Texas City. I retired
from the military (Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force) in 2009, having time in
active duty and active Reserve (32 years total) after two deployments to the Middle East
in the combat theater, and one Peacekeeping mission to Kuwait. Obtained a unit award
for Valor and the Meritorious Service Medal and Ribbon for the engagement in the Global
War on Terror on the Persian Gulf region in 2005.
I have been married to the same woman (Brenda) for nearly 49 years, and both of our sons
serve in law enforcement, Jack III as a special Investigator/apprehension unit for Smith
County Adult Probation, and Brent who lives with his family (his wife and our
grandchildren) in McKinney while serving as a U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant in Security
Forces of the Active Reserves at Carswell AFB.
I have served as TPA Field Director for Region 1 since 2014, recruited to TPA by Dr. Paul
Thompson. And I consider this both a privilege and an honor.
My hobbies include being a blackbelt/Instructor in Isshin Ryu Japanese/Okinawan Karate,
and an Old West Living History Re-enactor (Law man of Course), playing the parts of
Sheriff Jack Howard and William Barclay “Bat” Masterson.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jack H. Lanier, Jr.
May - June 2023 • (512) 458-3140 9