Page 29 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 29

Joe C. Tooley, Legal Digest Editor
                         Joe C. Tooley, Attorneys & Counselors, Rockwall, Texas


                                    LEGAL DIGEST

                                November-December 2020

       AUTHOR’S NOTE:  It is the goal of this submission to extract those portions of relevant appellate
       opinions or the syllabus of the legal reporter which bear directly upon law enforcement methods
       and provide guidance for officers on an operational level. Much of the information pertaining to
       these cases is lifted verbatim from the court opinion or syllabus with independent analysis inserted
       as appropriate.  Due to clarity for training purposes, the distinction between quotes from the
       opinions and inserted analysis is not always identified and legal citations within the opinion are
       often omitted.  Emphasis is placed upon reported decisions from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
       and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

        ELEMENTS.    ACCESSORY  TO SEXUAL                    Under the hypothetically correct jury charge, the
        ASSAULT                                              State had to prove that Metcalf, at the time of the
                                                             offense, intended to promote or assist the commis-
        Appellant, Lydia Metcalf, was convicted as a         sion of the anal penetration alleged in the indict-
        party of second-degree felony sexual                 ment. But because the evidence does not show that
        assault based on her husband’s anal rape of their    it was Metcalf’s conscious objective or desire for
        then 16-year-old daughter, Amber.1                   Allen to sexually assault Amber, the evidence is
        Metcalf was sentenced to three years’ imprison-      insufficient to show that she intended to promote
        ment but was not fined. On appeal, she               or assist commission of that offense.
                                                             Metcalf’s husband, Allen Metcalf (Allen), sexual-
        (1Amber is the pseudonym adopted by the court        ly assaulted their daughter, Amber, over several
        of appeals, and we will continue to use it.)         years. He pled guilty to twelve counts of second-
                                                             degree sexual assault3 and three counts of inde-
        argued that the evidence is legally insufficient     cency with a child. Metcalf was indicted on one
        because it did not show that she had the intent to   count of anal-penetration sexual assault that
        promote or assist her husband’s sexual assault of    occurred on or about December 2010. She was
        their daughter.  The court of appeals agreed and     charged as the primary actor, but the jury was
        rendered an acquittal. We granted the State’s peti-  instructed that it could convict her as a party under
        tion for discretionary review asking us to review    Section 7.02(a)(2) or Section 7.02(a)(3). The jury
        the decision of the court of appeals.  Because we    convicted 4 Metcalf as a party, and she was sen-
        agree with the lower court, we will affirm its       tenced to three years’ imprisonment.

        Nov.-Dec. 2020  • (512) 458-3140                         25
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