Page 32 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 32

ticular offense for which the defendant was tried.”  prevent the commission of the offense of sexual
        The law “authorized by the indictment” consists      assault[,] (5) by penetration of Amber’s anus[,] (6)
        of the statutory elements of the offense as modi-    by the “defendant’s sexual organ.”
        fied by the indictment allegations.  “Party liability
        is as much an element of an offense as the enu-      The State argues that the court of appeals erred
        merated elements prescribed in a statute that        because it required it to prove that Metcalf knew
        defines a particular crime.”                         about the sexual assault alleged in the indictment.
                                                             It asserts that Metcalf did not need to know
        Section 7.02(a)(3) of the Penal Code states that,    whether Allen penetrated Amber’s anus or vagina
                                                             because those are only manner-and-means allega-
        (a)  A person is criminally responsible for an       tions, not essential elements of the offense, and
        offense committed by the                             therefore are not included in the hypothetically
        conduct of another if:                               correct jury charge.
        * * *                                                If the phrase “penetration of the anus or sexual
        (3) having a legal duty to prevent commission of     organ” describes different manners and means of
        the offense and acting                               committing a single offense, as the State argues,
        with intent to promote or assist its commission, he  those allegations are not incorporated into the
        fails to make a                                      hypothetically correct jury charge because they
        reasonable effort to prevent commission of the       are not essential elements of the offense. But if
        offense.                                             “penetration of the anus or sexual organ” defines
                                                             two distinct criminal offenses, the State had to
        To prove the intent-to-promote-or-assist element,    prove that Metcalf intended to promote or assist
        the State must show that it was the defendant’s      the anal penetration in the indictment because the
        conscious objective or desire for the primary actor  anal-penetration allegation is an essential element
        to commit the crime. In assaying the record for      of the offense.
        evidence of 1intent, we look to “events before,
        during and after the commission of the offense.”     We have previously decided an identical issue in
                                                             the aggravated-sexual-assault statute. It controls
        (emphasis by ed.)                                    our analysis here. In Gonzales v. State, 304
                                                             S.W.3d 838 (Tex. Crim. App. 2010), we had to
        Although we can look to events taking place after    decide whether the same phrase—“penetration of
        commission of the offense, the intent to promote     the anus or sexual organ”—in the aggravated-sex-
        or assist must have been formed contemporane-        ual-assault statute defined one or two offenses. We
        ously with, or before, the crime alleged was com-    concluded that the phrase defined two separate
        mitted.  Circumstantial evidence is as probative as  offenses, reasoning that aggravated sexual assault
        direct evidence when determining whether a per-      is a nature-of-conduct offense, penetration of the
        son was a party to an offense.                       anus and penetration of the sexual organ are dis-
                                                             tinct acts, and the words anus and sexual organ are
        According to the court of appeals, the hypotheti-    written in the disjunctive.
        cally correct jury charge required the State to      This analysis applies with equal force to Section
        prove that, (1) having a legal duty to prevent the   22.011(a)(1)(A) of the sexual assault statute. Like
        commission of sexual assault[,] (2) and acting       the aggravated-sexual-assault statute, sexual
        with intent to promote or assist its commission, (3)  assault is a nature-of-conduct offense, penetration
        Metcalf[,] (4) failed to make a reasonable effort to  of the anus and sexual organ constitute discrete

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