Page 35 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 35

Allen was sexually assaulting  Amber when she        necessarily found that the defendant committed
        walked into Amber’s room and saw Allen with his      the lesser offense, and (2) the evidence is legally
        hand on Amber’s vagina a year or two after the       sufficient to support the defendant’s conviction for
        charged offense, the evidence does not prove that    the lesser offense.
        Metcalf knew that Allen was sexually assaulting         The court of appeals considered whether
        Amber at the time of the charged offense, and        Metcalf’s conviction could be reformed to reflect
        there is no other evidence showing that it was       that she was convicted of indecency with a child
        Metcalf’s conscious objective or desire for Allen    as a party, but it ultimately rejected that possibili-
        to sexually assault Amber, so she could not have     ty. It reasoned that, like the greater offense,  the
        intended to promote or assist the commission of      evidence is insufficient to prove that Metcalf
        that offense. Even after viewing the cumulative      intended to promote or assist Allen’s commission
        impact of all the admitted evidence in the light     of indecency with a child because Metcalf never
        most favorable to the verdict, we conclude that no   saw, and no one ever told her, about any act of
        rational jury could have reasonably inferred that    indecency prior to the anal penetration alleged in
        Metcalf intended to promote or assist the sexual     the indictment. According to the court of appeals,
        assault of Amber.                                    although “the jury could have concluded that
        The court of appeals said that the evidence is       Metcalf was concerned that  Allen had sexual
        insufficient to show that Metcalf and Allen had an   desires toward  Amber, the allegation that  Allen
        “agreement to act together to execute a common       tried to pull down  Amber’s pants fell short of
        purpose” at the time, or before, the offense was     establishing that  Allen succeeded in the act of
        committed. The State takes issue with the court of   pulling down Amber’s pants or engaged in sexual
        appeals’s reliance on the “execute a common pur-     contact with her.” that reason, it concluded, the
        pose” phrase, arguing that it only applies to the    evidence did not show that Metcalf intended to
        Section 7.02(a)(2), not Section 7.02(a)(3), and that  promote or assist in the commission of indecency
        it constituted an additional, unwarranted burden.    with a child. We agree with the court of appeals’s
        We agree with the State that the cases relied on by  analysis.
        the court of appeals to reach that conclusion are
        distinguishable because they deal with Section       CONCLUSION
        7.02(a)(2) and that the only burden of proof that    We hold that the evidence is insufficient to sustain
        the State must meet is the essential elements of the  Metcalf’s conviction for sexual assault of a child
        offense set out in Section 7.02(a)(3).  The deci-    by anal penetration and also that her conviction
        sions from this Court discussing a “common           cannot be reformed to reflect that she was con-
        design” or “common purpose” are cases such as        victed of a lesser-included offense. Therefore, we
        those in which the defendant is charged as a party   affirm the court of appeals’s judgment  rendering
        when he, or a group of people including him, start-  an acquittal.
        ed a fight during which the victim was assaulted or
        killed.   Despite the court of appeals’s mistake,    Metcalf v. State, Court of Crim. Appeals, No. PD-
        however, it reached the right result.                1246-18, April 01, 2020.
        The next question is whether Metcalf’s sexual        ***************************
        assault conviction can be reformed to reflect that
        she was convicted of a lesser-included offense. A
        conviction must be reformed if (1) in finding a
        defendant guilty of the greater offense, the jury    EVIDENCE – MENS REA AND PRE-MEDITA-

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