Page 34 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 34

We draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the    does not support a reasonable inference that, since
        verdict.   But “juries are not permitted to come to  Metcalf thought that it was sexual for Allen, she
        conclusions based on mere speculation or factual-    must have known that Allen had been sexually
        ly unsupported inferences or presumptions.”          assaulting Amber or that he would in the future.
        “[A]n inference is a conclusion reached by con-      We agree.
        sidering other facts and deducing a logical conse-   According to the State, while the whistle, cell
        quence from them. Speculation is mere theorizing     phone, and beaded curtain were ostensibly to pro-
        or guessing about the possible meaning of facts      tect Amber, the pitiful “protection” showed that
        and evidence presented.”  While “[a] conclusion      Metcalf knew that Allen was sexually assaulting
        reached by speculation may not be completely         Amber and that she intended to promote or assist
        unreasonable,” and it might even prove to be true,   Allen in sexually assaulting Amber. The problem
        it is not sufficiently based on facts or evidence to  with the State’s argument is that, if Metcalf gave
        support a finding beyond a reasonable doubt.         Amber the whistle and cell phone and put up the
        A rational jury could have believed or disbelieved   beaded curtain to protect her—even though the
        Amber’s testimony that she heard  Allen tell         measures were woefully inadequate—that tends
        Metcalf that Amber was just having nightmares,       to show that it was not  Metcalf’s intent to pro-
        but there is no evidence from which a rational jury  mote or assist Allen in sexually assaulting Amber.
        could have reasonably inferred that Metcalf did      While a rational jury did not have to believe that
        not believe Allen and that she knew he was actu-     Metcalf gave Amber the cell phone and whistle
        ally sexually assaulting Amber. Similarly, while     and put up the beaded curtain to protect her, there
        Amber’s statements to Metcalf that Allen was a       is no other evidence showing why Metcalf gave
        “monster” and was doing “bad things” are incred-     Amber those items and put the curtain up. In other
        ibly troubling, the State concedes that  Amber’s     words, even if the jury disbelieved Metcalf, it
        comments were too ambiguous to support a rea-        could not have reasonably inferred from that dis-
        sonable inference that Metcalf knew that  Allen      belief that Metcalf gave Amber the cell phone and
        was sexually assaulting Amber. We agree. Amber       whistle because she knew for a fact that Allen was
        never told Metcalf what she meant, and Metcalf       sexually assaulting  Amber and that it was her
        never asked.                                         intention to promote or assist in the commission
        Without more context,  Amber’s comments are          of those sexual assaults, including the charged
        insufficient to support a reasonable inference that  offense.
        Metcalf knew that Amber meant that Allen was         Addressing the extraneous incident when Metcalf
        sexually assaulting her.                             saw Allen sexually assaulting Amber, the court of
        Also, a rational jury could have believed Amber’s    appeals concluded that, While the 2011 incident,
        testimony that she cried out for her mother and      when coupled with Amber’s statements that she
        that she was unsure whether her mother was home      cried out for her mother and believed her “mother
        when she cried out, but that evidence does not       was letting it happen,” could have contributed to
        support a reasonable inference that Metcalf was      the belief that Metcalf may have known or sus-
        home, that Metcalf heard Amber, and that she did     pected some untoward behavior on Allen’s part
        nothing because she knew that Allen was sexually     prior to that incident, Amber testified that she did
        assaulting her.                                      not inform Metcalf that Allen was sexually abus-
        With respect to the jogging incident, the court of   ing her before the anal penetration alleged in the
        appeals found the evidence sufficient to show that   State’s indictment
        Metcalf thought that Allen was sexually interested   occurred.
        in Amber, but it concluded that Metcalf’s belief     While it is indisputable that Metcalf knew that

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