Page 41 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 41

to her and raised her suspicion that he was not      multiple gallon containers of gasoline and he
        being truthful.                                      explained that gasoline was “cheaper in El Paso.”
        Officer Rodriguez asked for Soriano’s registration   Officer Rodriguez told Soriano that he would
        and he handed it to her. She asked him when was      receive a citation for driving without a license and
        the last time that he had been pulled over, and he   that they would proceed after a records check. She
        responded that it had been a while because he usu-   returned to her patrol car to run “criminal history”
        ally drove cautiously. She asked if Soriano had      and “border” checks. She learned that Soriano had
        ever been arrested and he asked her to repeat the    been arrested two months prior for theft, unlawful
        question, which raised “red flags” with her          possession of a dangerous weapon, and posses-
        because she believed that he was stalling to come    sion of a controlled substance. Her suspicions
        up with an answer. Soriano stated that he had been   escalated due to the disparity between this infor-
        arrested a year and a half prior “for tickets.”      mation and Soriano’s earlier statement that he had
        Officer Rodriguez asked Soriano to roll down the     been arrested a year and a half prior “for tickets.”
        rear window and she observed a large duffle bag      She returned to Soriano’s vehicle and questioned
        or suitcase in the back seat. This made her suspect  him about the discrepancy and he admitted to hav-
        that Soriano was not being truthful because he had   ing been arrested for theft but did not mention the
        told her that he was returning that night or the next  weapon and controlled substance charges.
        day, but the bag appeared too large for such a       Officer Rodriguez then asked if Soriano had any-
        short trip.  When Officer Rodriguez questioned       thing illegal in the vehicle such as cocaine, mari-
        Soriano about the size of the suitcase, he stated    juana, ecstasy, or large amounts of money. He
        that he was actually going to stay in Odessa for a   replied “Nothing, nothing” but she observed that
        couple of days. When Rodriguez confronted him        he appeared to grow more nervous. She then
        with the discrepancy in his story—short versus       asked, “Do you give me permission to check the
        long stay—he began to backpedal and replied that     car?” and Soriano responded, “Check it.” She
        he was not sure if his mother was home so he may     continued, “If I call the dog right now from the
        end up returning sooner than he had planned.         checkpoint, do you think it will alert?” Soriano
        Officer Rodriguez testified that she found           replied, “No, you can bring him.” She then
        Soriano’s explanation strange because he had not     informed him that he would receive a citation for
        called his mother to confirm that she would be       not having a license and for speeding and a warn-
        home before driving so far to see her. She then      ing for the tint. Both officers put on their gloves in
        testified that at this point, Soriano seemed very    anticipation of searching Soriano’s vehicle. She
        nervous because his face was flushed and he was      asked him to empty his pockets, which revealed
        beginning to sweat. She suspected that he was        $2,000 in his wallet. He explained that the money
        hiding something.                                    was from his work as a cook and manager.
        Officer Rodriguez asked Soriano to exit the vehi-    Officer Rodriguez testified that she searched
        cle. She asked if he had anything illegal in the     Soriano’s vehicle based on his voluntary consent
        vehicle and he immediately looked at the car. She    and that she was detaining him based on her rea-
        testified that based on her training and experience,  sonable suspicion. She did not place him under
        she took Soriano’s reaction as a sign that the car   arrest or put him in her patrol car. She then dis-
        likely contained contraband. She asked Soriano       covered nine “kilo sized bundles” of cocaine in
        about the contents of the suitcase and he respond-   the suitcase and placed Soriano under arrest.
        ed that it contained clothes and showed her the top  After considering the testimony and arguments
        layer of clothes. She asked Soriano what was in      from counsel, the MJ recommended that the dis-
        his trunk, and he opened it. The trunk contained     trict court deny Soriano’s suppression motion.

        Nov.-Dec. 2020  • (512) 458-3140                         37
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