Page 43 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 43

inconsistent statements is a coercive police proce-  voluntariness.
        dure. We agree. Officer Rodriguez’s statements—      C. Cooperation with the Police
        made during a valid traffic stop that was pro-       Cooperation by the defendant is a factor favoring
        longed due to reasonable suspicion—were a            a finding that consent was voluntary. The district
        means of investigating in order to confirm or dis-   court adopted the MJ’s conclusion that Soriano
        pel her suspicions.                                  was more cooperative than not and that this factor
        As to the issue of deceit, after Officer Rodriguez   weighed in favor of voluntariness. We agree.
        ran the criminal history and immigration checks in   In addition to opening his trunk after Officer
        the patrol car and returned and confronted Soriano   Rodriguez requested that he do so, Soriano also
        with the fact that he had lied about his most recent  allowed her to test the tint of his driver’s side win-
        arrest, he acted confused about her questions.       dow and showed her the top layer of clothes in his
        Officer Rodriguez told Soriano that she believed     suitcase when she asked what was inside of it.
        that her questions had been clear and that Officer   Although Officer Rodriguez pointed out several
        Ramirez agreed that her questions were clear. In     instances where Soriano expressed nervousness,
        actuality, however, the extent of the interaction    she also noted that he appeared to be calm and
        between Officers Rodriguez and Ramirez was lim-      cooperative at several other points during the
        ited to Rodriguez remarking “seems kind of           encounter. Thus, viewing the evidence in the light
        weird” and Ramirez responding “yes.” In other        most favorable to the Government, the finding that
        words, Officer Ramirez never explicitly told         Soriano “was more cooperative than not,” is plau-
        Officer Rodriguez that he believed that her ques-    sible, and its conclusion that this factor weighed in
        tions were clear. Soriano argues that Rodriguez      favor of voluntariness was not clear error.
        used this misrepresentation of unanimity to pres-    D. Right to Refuse Consent
        sure him and that doing so amplified the coercive    An officer’s failure to inform a suspect that he has
        nature of her accusations.                           a right to refuse to consent to a search militates
        The district court determined that Officer           against voluntariness.  The district court adopted
        Rodriguez’s statement to Soriano, despite being      the MJ’s determination that Officer Rodriguez
        untruthful, was not the type of “trickery” this court  never informed Soriano of his right to refuse con-
        has deemed a coercive tactic. Additionally, the dis-  sent and that factor weighed against voluntariness.
        trict court observed that the statement was meant    The Government does not directly challenge this
        to ensure that Soriano understood Officer            determination but contends that Soriano’s experi-
        Rodriguez throughout the entire stop and to          ence with law enforcement should offset the
        prompt him to answer truthfully—not to pressure      amount of weight for this factor.
        him to consent to the search. We agree.              In United States v. Ponce, we held that “experi-
        The video footage of the encounter makes clear       ence in the criminal justice system can offset ‘any
        that although both officers were present, Officer    weight’ accorded to an officer’s failure to advise a
        Ramirez never directly questioned or was             suspect of his right to resist a search.”  Here,
        involved in questioning Soriano.  Moreover,          Soriano’s presentence report (PSR) indicates that,
        Soriano does not challenge the district court’s      while he has no prior convictions, he has been
        finding that Officer Rodriguez’s statement was       arrested on three occasions. Still, neither the MJ
        intended to ensure that Soriano understood her       nor the district court made any findings as to
        and to prompt his truthfulness but not to pressure   whether Soriano’s criminal history would provide
        him to consent to the search. Soriano has failed to  him with enough familiarity with the criminal jus-
        show that the district court clearly erred in holding  tice system to result in his knowledge of the right
        that this factor weighed in favor of a finding of    to refuse consent. Because the extent of Soriano’s

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