Page 26 - March April 2020 TPA
P. 26

What to Do if You are Sick:

              The CDC has several tips for what to do if you are sick. All of the information is

                                          Stay home unless seeking medical attention

                                                                    Clean surfaces regularly

                                           Wear a mask to limit spreading the disease

                                     Separate yourself from people + animals in your
                                          home + use a separate bathroom if possible

                                              Wash hands frequently with soap + warm
                                                              water for at least 20 seconds

                                                    Call ahead before visiting the doctor
                                                  to tell them you might have COVID-19

                                                  Cover your mouth and nose when you
                                      cough and sneeze using your elbow or a tissue

                                                                   Monitor symptoms + seek
                                                      medical attention if they get worse

              Steps the Government is Taking
              As cases of COVID-19 continue to make their way around the world, the U.S.
              government has been taking steps to minimize its impact here. The CDC has deployed
              almost 500 staff members to 39 locations around the world that include U.S. ports of
              entry, state and local health departments, military bases, and quarantine locations.
              CDC personnel are also working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at
              eleven U.S. airports, where all flights from China have been diverted for passenger
              screening. The Federal Government announced that flights from Europe will be
              banned for 30 days starting on March 13. Universities and school districts across
              the U.S. have moved to online class, attempting to slow the spread of COVID-19.
              All sports leagues have cancelled their seasons, and gatherings such as parades
              and concerts have faced widespread cancellation. As the pandemic goes on,
              states have issued stricter measures like closing bars and limiting restaurants to take-
              out only. Some states have even imposed curfews. The U.S. president declared
              a national emergency, which will allow billions of dollars in federal funds to go
              toward fighting COVID-19. It also sets FEMA in motion. The declaration allows more
              supplies and personnel to go toward COVID-19. Many governors have also issued
              state of emergency orders in their states, which generally give them more flexibility
              to respond in the best way possible.

        March/April 2020 • (512) 458-3140                         19
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