Page 30 - March April 2020 TPA
P. 30
Screening Questions to Ask:
Does the individual have a respiratory illness with a cough?
Does the individual have a fever?
Has the individual been in contact with a confirmed or
suspected case of COVID-19?
If the individual answers “yes” to any of the
questions above, a mask should be worn by
the individual. Officers should alert the receiving
hospital so that they can be prepared. During a
Quarantine + Isolation: In situations of widespread situation, public
communicable disease outbreak, federal isolation
and quarantine orders can be issued through the health officials at
CDC, who has federal authority granted by the
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) all levels (local,
to carry out and enforce isolation and quarantine
orders, including the authority to detain and state, federal)
medically examine persons as they see fit. The may seek
U.S. president, at the recommendation of the
HHS Secretary, may issue an executive order to assistance from
amend the list of diseases for which quarantines
and isolations can be issued. Isolation is a situation law enforcement
that involves sick people being separated from
healthy people to limit the spread of disease. A agencies in
quarantine is a situation where the movements enforcing the
of people who were exposed to a disease are
restricted to see if they become ill. Isolation and rule of law.
quarantine are described as “police power”
functions, which give states the right to take
actions for the benefit of society as a whole. Local
and state health and government officials will
carry out isolation and quarantine orders issued
within their borders at the direction of the CDC.
There are penalties for violating such orders that
states have the power to carry out. A fine of up to
$1,000 and/or up to a year of imprisonment may
be imposed for individuals who violate quarantine
orders. Law enforcement agencies may be
asked to help enforce mandatory quarantine
and isolation orders if the individual does not
March/April 2020 • (512) 458-3140 23