Page 31 - March April 2020 TPA
P. 31

voluntarily comply. Recently in Kentucky, an
                                                           individual who tested positive for COVID-19
           Law                                             was ordered to self-quarantine but ignored the
                                                           order. The governor called on law enforcement
           enforcement                                     personnel to be stationed outside the person’s
                                                           home for the duration of the quarantine order.
           officers can                                    In New Jersey, a woman gave the hospital a
                                                           fake name and address and left after testing
           be a vital                                      positive for the virus. She was later found by
                                                           law enforcement. In situations where people
           resource to the                                 violate orders, law enforcement officers play a
                                                           key role in mitigating public health threats. Law
           public during                                   enforcement officers can help the public and
                                                           hopefully curb violators by communicating the
           situations of                                   seriousness of quarantine orders.

           panic and
                                                           Crowd + Riot Control:
           chaos by                                        During a pandemic situation, public health

                                                           officials at all levels (local, state, federal)
           managing                                        may seek assistance from law enforcement
                                                           agencies in enforcing the rule of law. Law
           public fear                                     enforcement officers can be a vital resource
                                                           to the public during situations of panic and
           through calm                                    chaos by managing public fear through calm

                                                           and accurate information sharing. Officers
           and accurate                                    may possibly need to help with crowd and

                                                           riot control during tense pandemic situations.
           information                                     Another important duty law enforcement
                                                           officers may be asked to perform is protecting
           sharing.                                        hospitals, medical supplies, and medications

                                                           which are crucial during these times, but often
                                                           in short supply. Resources and medications may
                                                           be rationed during a pandemic, contributing to
                                                           public frustration. Pandemics can last for many
                                                           months, and as they stretch longer and longer,
                                                           the public may become dissatisfied with public
                                                           health management, leading to unrest. As the
                                                           pandemic goes on, dwindling supplies, increasing
                                                           infection rates, and forced social distancing will
                                                           take their toll on the public. Demonstrations and
                                                           protests will inevitably become more aggressive
                                                           and intense. Once peaceful demonstrations will
                                                           become violent as people take out their anger
                                                           on the perceived sources of problems such as
                                                           medical facilities, government buildings, and
                                                           sources of vital supplies.

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