P. 18
Load Test
Maintain static load test (MLT) is the most
common and reliable pile testing method used
in the construction industry. This method is
commonly used to determine the load carry
capacity of a pile without excessive
settlement. Pile behaviour or it’s resulting
displacement under the applied load i.e. the
design load for a longer period is also the key
point which a geotechnical engineer would
like to investigate by using this maintain static
load test method. Schematic arrangement of
this test is shown in Figure 2.
However, maintain load test has a list of
disadvantages such as taking longer time to
set up, long test duration hours, larger space Figure 2: Schematic view of the maintain load test
needed and safety concern when the test is
conducted on soft ground. Besides,
counterweight using kentledge blocks
required in the test will involve more of heavy High Strain
vehicles and machineries for its transportation,
thus giving a fair amount of emission Dynamic
pollutants to the atmosphere. Larger space
required to set up the test has been the main Load Test
constraint for the test to be implemented at
congested site hence it is not so sustainable As for the High Strain Dynamic Load Test method
friendly. Relatively higher resources involved it’s a method to determine pile capacity using
and more carbon footprint produced are also dynamic principle, this method utilises the dynamic
the lacking of this test method. relationship between impact and resistance to
predict the pile capacity. This test is also able to
predict the integrity of the pile tested. Even though
the test can only produce a predicted capacity and
not the ultimate pile capacity, it is still preferable to
the construction players as compared to
conventional maintain static load test with the
following benefits: Figure 3 show the typical
arrangement for setting up this test.
i Piles can be tested in a day resulting time saving,
ii Test set-up requires very little space,
iii Structural integrity of the pile can be verified,
content/uploads/2017/02/ASTM-D4945-12.pdf iv Possible to broadly estimate the frictional and end
bearing resistance of the pile.
Figure 3: Typical Arrangement for High-
Strain Dynamic Testing