Page 11 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 11

Beanie Bradley
Why did you choose Seaford?
Seaford is non-selective with a
focus on individuals, it’s not all
about doing things in order to
keep its place in the rankings
(school league tables). Seaford is
well respected but doesn’t try to
project an image like some other
schools. I love equestrian pursuits
and the school has allowed me to
compete at a high level. Seaford
staff support your dreams and
help you get there with a smile on
your face. I’ve had highs and lows
when competing, and Seaford
has grounded me and given me
the skills to cope in any situation –
this will stay with me for life.
What do you think about
Seaford not being academically
I think it’s good as it gives
everyone an equal opportunity.
There is something for everyone,
from a straight A student to
someone who needs a bit
of extra support. Seaford will
support you to get the results and
qualifications you need.
Do you think people
appreciate this?
I think new students to Seaford
are amazed at what we have
to offer, whereas if you’ve been
at Seaford for a long time, you
become used to what is on offer.
When I joined I was amazed at
all the activities. I have friends
at other independent schools,
and they are not as happy as I
am, Seaford is definitely the best
What is different about Seaford
to other schools?
It’s hard to sum up, it’s a feeling.
Seaford isn’t a pressurised
environment but still nudges
you to do your best and suggests
alternatives to stretch you.
What was the transition like
between GCSE and Sixth Form?
I prefer the Sixth Form and I study
BTECS and an A Level. You have
time to go to the library to work
and quiet time without people
about, you manage your time.
The teachers were supportive
when I went to compete for my
polo and I was able to study and
get feedback so that I could stay
on track. Seaford teachers go
above and beyond and really care
about every student.
Immy Guimaraens
Why did you choose Seaford?
I have been here since Prep
School and have stayed because
it suits me, the learning styles and
having that pastoral support as
well as all the academic help.
With the different learning styles,
it’s all the resources that are here,
you’re able to access things. I can
learn how I like to learn, it’s not
about telling us what to do. My
teachers suggest how I might
approach things so will say, “Try
this, it might be a better way.”
What was the transition like
between GCSE and Sixth Form?
I love it because I get to study the
subjects I’m passionate about
and I can take on lead roles in
the productions, it’s an exciting
time for me. My teachers are
really supportive and in English
they’re really helping me get to
the standard I need for the A Level
exam, they bring the subject to
life and give me time whenever I
need some extra help.
“I joined at the end of Year 8 and I’ve loved it
all. It’s a really amazing school! I was Head Girl
and this meant significant responsibilities and
opportunities, and I feel the role has helped me
to develop lots of skills. I’ve loved sport at Seaford,
especially the netball and athletics and the gym
sessions with Mr Rees. I’ve made so many friends
here. I am deferring my university place for one year
to gain experience in the film industry and then I’ll
be going to Australia to coach netball and do some
volunteer work.”
Bella Crandon
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