Page 13 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 13

Henry Grantham-Smith
What was the transition like
between GCSE and Sixth Form?
It was a really good transition; I’ve
met lots of new friends and being
in the Sixth Form at Seaford has
been my favourite time. I think
the Sixth Form style of working
suits me and I like doing the
subjects I enjoy rather than lots
of subjects at GCSE. I was able
to take my A Level Maths in a
year because I needed it for my
university course, the advice and
support I got from Seaford was
above and beyond. I feel everyone
wants you to succeed and they’re
your cheerleaders, you get
individual attention and support
when you need it. The staff at
Seaford really care and that sets
the school apart, in my opinion.
I love Seaford because...
It’s just great. It’s an amazing
school, the teachers and students
are great. Everything’s just really
good about it. It’s all very positive.
Our Headmaster, Mr Green, is very
positive all the time and you feel
like you want to be the best that
you can be. I’m going to be sad to
leave but will be back for alumni
George Gibbens
What do you think Seaford has
done for you as a person?
I’ve grown up here and learnt
good morals and values. It’s a
kind school and that rubs off on
you, I’d happily make friends with
anyone at Seaford and I have
a diverse group of friends. I like
burning off my energy with my
rugby crowd and then sitting
down and discussing my subjects
and sharing ideas with other
people on my course, I learn a lot
that way.
I’ve discovered what I want to
do in the future and Seaford has
given me bigger aspirations, I
feel I could achieve anything I
put my mind to. I think self-drive
is the biggest thing I’ve learned
from Seaford.
I love Seaford because...
…of the community, facilities and
the people. I’m happy here and
that makes all the difference. I
feel supported and feel I can push
myself. If something goes wrong,
it isn’t a big deal, we learn from it
and that is what I’m taking into
my future life.

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