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Beta-Sigma TKE

                                          Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | University of Southern California  |  Spring 2018
                                     Alumni Relations Office  |  531 Main Street #902, El Segundo, CA  90245  |



     by David Bohline, Beta-Sigma Board of Trustees

          ike most of us, I joined  TKE in the fall   decision. Students will need to complete at least   dysfunctional. This past year, there have been far too
          semester of my freshman year, rushing just   12 units at USC before they can rush a fraternity or   many tragic stories of fraternity hazing and alcohol
     La week or two after arriving on campus.   sorority. It’s called deferred rush and we are told by   abuse across the country. And these are serious matters
     I didn’t really know anyone, had no idea how to   the USC administration that it is the cure for what   that need to be addressed. USC and the Trojan Greek
     choose a fraternity, and made a quick choice without   troubles the Greek system. I’m not so sure.  system have done an excellent job collaborating on
     much thought. And I have never regretted it.                                  policies, enforcement, and education that has made
                                            In a statement to the USC Community, Dr. Ainsley
     But starting next fall, freshmen will no longer have   Carry, VP for Student Affairs said, “This [freshman   a real difference. But how does deferring rush solve
     the opportunity to make such a happy-go-lucky   year] is the toughest year of the transition to   these issues? I don’t think it does.
                                            college life as students experience the most social   Like it or not, deferred rush is the new reality for
              In This Issue:                and academic challenges.” And he concluded, “…  fraternities and sororities at USC. How is TKE going
                                            the benefit of allowing new students one semester
                                                                                   to be affected by this new policy change? With more
       Fraternity, Disrupted .......................................1  to acclimate to USC academics and social life far   than 180 members and a long line of young men who
       From the Prytanis .............................................2  outweigh  the  benefits  of  not  making  this  policy   want to join, we are fortunately positioned to do just
       Philanthropy ......................................................2  change.” I respectfully disagree.   fine.  But  I  am  afraid  that  won’t  be  true  for  every
                                                                                   fraternity and sorority. The impact of deferred rush
       Executive Officers .............................................2  Dr. Carry is right, the freshman year is the toughest year   will be denying and delaying the Greek experience
       Athletics ..............................................................3  at college. It is filled with uncertainty, loneliness, and   for  incoming  students  and  severely  financially
       Leadership .........................................................3  a sudden loss of support networks—like family and   straining about half of the Greek system.
       2018 USC Football ............................................3  high school friends. And that’s why joining a fraternity,
       Brotherhood ......................................................4  especially in the first few weeks of school, can make a   I like to look at the bright side. Maybe disruption will
       Spring Pledge Class ..........................................4  profoundly positive impact on a young man’s life. The   lead to innovation and real problem solving. Maybe
       Social ...................................................................5  fraternity is community. The fraternity is support. The   problem solving will lead to a policy reversal. One
       Heard from the Bond .......................................6  fraternity is family. At least it should be.   thing I know for sure. TKE is up to the challenge.
       Alumni BBQ & Open House ..........................6  Unfortunately, like some families, a fraternity can be
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