Page 4 - Tau Kappa Epsilon - USC - Spring 2018
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has been a giant success. Recently, before our brotherhood events around supporting our talented
Mardi Gras party, we had a crawfish boil with brothers at the various venues where they have been
high attendance and positive feedback from the performing. Furthermore, we have implemented
brothers. In the future, we will be doing other events around our other talented brothers. On
fun variations, such as a pig roast luau. We are “Impress a Brother Night,” we effectively hosted
Brotherhood implementing more new events such as paintball, a talent show consisting of musical acts, comedy,
movie nights, and sports competitions.
feats of fitness, and more.
Chapter News
by Carter Boisfontaine #1,564 We have made it our goal to consolidate the We plan to continue our mission of developing
and expanding all the facets of our brotherhood by
brotherhood in our house from independent
pledge classes to a house-wide bond, focusing implementing new, creative ideas and focusing on
his semester in brotherhood, the newly
elected Hypophetes, Alex Wicker, and on the bond between the younger and older getting to know one another on a more personal level.
T I have made efforts to continue the brothers. Additionally, we take pride in setting an The new Hypophetes are constructing a new series
expansion of the position and the brotherhood example for the younger gentlemen in this house, of traditions and strengthening the brother-to-brother
culture within TKE Beta -Sigma itself. We have exemplifying what it means to be a man of TKE bonds extremely successfully. Previously, we have
instituted a two-member brotherhood committee and a brother in this house. been proud believers that TKE has the strongest
to cultivate more ideas and have a more direct Many brothers in the chapter have outstanding brotherhood on the USC row. We are pleased to
relationship with the younger pledge classes. musical talents, namely Daniel Adebiyi and know that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and
A new tradition of dinners on the front porch Brooks Brown. We have focused several plan to take our brotherhood to new heights.
The Spring 2018 Pledge Class
Kane Acosta Mitchell Lee Jeff Santelli
Villa Park, CA Bellevue, WA Minnetonka, MN
Didun Ayodeji Henrik Liapunov Blake Shaevitz
Yorktown, VA Ridgefield, CT New York, NY
Spencer Bridges Antonio Mauri Dan Simonds
Summit, NJ Mexico City, Mexico York, ME
Dre Calabria Cooper Mayer Jake Taylor
Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Bridgehampton, NY
Harry Chong Jet Mendes Dylan Ah Teck
Los Angeles, CA Highland Park, IL Mauritius
Jacob De Rothschild Jared Nolan Chase Tornquist
New York City, NY Falmouth, ME Tucson, AZ
Ben Duma Patrick O’Reilly Arshawn Virk
Atlanta, GA Los Angeles, CA Simi Valley, CA
Noah Fishbein Forrest Pressler Spencer Walz
Highland Park, IL Houston, TX Kansas City, KS
Josh Imatorbhebhe Bradley Reynolds Alex Wolf TKE USC Parents Club
Atlanta, GA Charlotte, VT Memphis, TN
Jackson Keen Ryan Rogers Jimmy Yuan
Encinitas, CA Huntington, NY Toronto, Canada
The spring 2018 pledges in front of the 9-0 after a brotherhood