Page 6 - Tau Kappa Epsilon - USC - Spring 2018
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Heard From the Bond
Richard Martin #7 celebrated his 94 birthday on I ever knew. God go with you roomie! The world has son, Christopher, has graduated from UofA with a
November 19, 2017. Happy Birthday! Richard also lost a great person…I miss him!” degree in finance and now has a job in Pasadena.
shared news of the passing last year of his wife of 66 Yeah! Second son, David, is in his second year at
years to Alzheimer’s disease. We’re sorry for your Greg McAndrews #418 shared some updates on his SDSU. SDSU men’s collegiate CIS volleyball won
loss, Richard. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. children: daughter, Kelly, is working on her doctor – the National Championship in 2017 (452 teams)—
nurse practitioner degree currently and is currently a Dave was the starting setter as a freshman. John’s
John Hamilton #348 recalls some fond memories of practicing midwife. She has an MBA and master’s in youngest son, Joe, continues to work hard as a junior
Thayer Holbrook #352 after learning of his passing. nursing. Son, Geoff, got married for the first time at at St. Francis High School in La Cañada.
“Thayer Holbrook was my first roommate at TKE— 46 years of age back in 2016 and he and his wife had
in the annex! The floor was his shelf…got tired of a son, “EJ,” in 2017. Matt Bohm #977 was promoted to run the Irvine,
that. Drug him (during a nap) into the bathroom tub. CA, office of Charles Schwab & Co. and welcomed
Turned on the shower…left him. Got up the next John Thompson #742 has recently earned a Certified baby number three, Parker David Bohm, on July 17,
morning and he’s still there! Soaked…sleeping… Reverse Mortgage Professional designation (only 2017. Congratulations, Matt!
never said a word! Thayer was the TOUGHEST guy 150 nationwide). On the family front, his oldest
TKE is the Stay Connected with Beta-Sig
fraternity Take a minute right now to look yourself up and make sure that we’ve got
the correct email address and phone numbers so we can keep you up to date
throughout the year.
for life ... Go to and click the alumni directory link. Enter your last
name to access and update your profile information.
. . . share your photos, including TKE
fraters from past friends and family trips,
vacations, weddings, and other special
occasions. Send them to Erik Brannon
at with
a brief caption and the names of TKEs
pictured and we will showcase them on
the website and in future newsletters.
Mark Your Calendars!
9 Annual Alumni Open House & BBQ
Saturday, July 21, 2018, at 12:00 p.m.
Catch up with fraters, get to know the
undergrads and take a tour the houses. Enjoy
a delicious BBQ lunch, the open bar, and an
opportunity to see our collection of chapter
scrapbooks and other memorabilia including
all of the membership scrolls.
Join us this July for a great afternoon and
re-connect with TKE!
The per person cost is $20. (Significant Others
Jack Allen #328 checks out some TKE memorabilia.
RSVP and sign up today at
We’ll see you there!
Alumni communication services provided by Elevate | | 770-903-3987 | @elevateims