Page 2 - Tau Kappa Epsilon - USC - Spring 2018
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emotional struggles—ranging from minor to
                                                                                       severe—that members from all walks of life are
                                                   From the                            prone to experience. As brothers in the bond,
                                                                                       we owe it to one another to be individual and
                                                                                       collective resources of comfort and motivation
                                        Prytanis                                       in order to best achieve both our individual and
                                                                                       collective potentials.
                                                                                       My fellow officers and I have grown enamored
                  he most prevalent mentality that has   Beta-Sigma humbly recognizes that there is   with the success of our chapter. This is due in
         Chapter News
                  permeated the entirety of our chapter the   much more to life than an individual’s own   large part to the efforts of those who came
             T past year is ambition; the notion of not   personal goals or dreams; active philanthropy   before. Our path to success has been forged by
             being afraid to give up ‘good’ in order to go for   and willing servitude are cornerstones of our   the seniors whose example, in both troublesome
             ‘great.’ As the new Prytanis of Beta-Sigma I feel   collective being. Along with donating our Beta-  and wonderful situations alike, cannot be
             a great deal of responsibility to the chapter and its   Sigma  Capital  Holdings  profits  to  St.  Jude,   forgotten. Before them, the Beta-Sigma alumni
             alumni to build and expand on the achievements   raising row-wide awareness and over $130,000   were responsible for the positive trajectory of
             of  our  previous  members.  Specifically,  the   for our own  Jack Jablonski’s  BEL13VE IN   the house which we now reap the benefits of. It is
             success of the previous executive board, led by   MIRACLES Foundation, we have perpetuated   now incumbent upon us—the active members—
             Michael Cesar, is what will allow our chapter   in-house scholarships that allow several   to put forth our best efforts to ensure that those
             to reach new heights in regard to philanthropy,   members to be a part of our house without   who may come long after we are gone have the
             brotherhood, diversity, and overall member   having  to  bear  a  financial  burden  that  would   resources and foundation necessary to achieve
             wellness.                            otherwise dismiss their potential contributions to   greatness.  Just  as  I  thank  all  those  who  came
             With our total membership rising to 168 active   our organization. The efforts of our Philanthropy   before me and have allowed me to hold such a
             brothers in the house along with a spring 2018   Chairs Max Marell and Jack Tenney have also   prestigious position among so many brothers
             pledge class of 31, TKE Beta-Sigma has affirmed   been crucial in terms of organizing Beta-Sigma’s   that I adore and respect, I hope to perpetually
             itself as the largest fraternity on the row. Paired   participation in philanthropic events throughout   see success and wellness in the world of TKE
             with  our  house  GPA  of  3.24,  we  are  poised  to   the row and Los Angeles. TKEs and members of   Beta-Sigma and have every intention of leading
             augment our abilities in the academic field as our   Kappa Alpha Theta regularly coordinate to hand   the house toward that reality.
             membership includes so many intellectual minds   out food to the homeless on skid row.   Yours in the Bond,
             in  a  variety  of  fields.  The  addition  of  the  Beta-  In an effort to improve upon the house’s
             Sigma academic advisor program, where each new   brotherhood and to be able to engage in a deeper
             member is encouraged to attach themselves to an   bond among one another, TKE Beta-Sigma has
             active brother in their field of study, has allowed for   established the position of a VP of health and
             a culture of academic success to blossom from the   wellness. Spearheaded by Michael Cesar, this   Mark Reid # 1,652
             moment our new members enter the house.   position seeks to aid in the ongoing mental and

             Philanthropy                                                                           Executive

             by Jack Tenney #1,640                                                               Officer Board
                  eta-Sigma is looking to build on one   new technology                                  2018
                  of its biggest philanthropic semesters   called epidural
             Bever this spring.  As a recap, this fall,   stimulation,                     Congratulations to our
             we raised over $130,000 for the Jack Jablonski   which is helping            newly elected Executive
             Believe in Miracles Foundation with the help of   people  with                    Board officers!
             our own fraters, alumni, friends, and families.   paralysis  to regain
             Jack’s  foundation  raises  money  for  paralysis   control of their legs.   Jack Mendillo - Grammateus
             research and is currently supporting an amazing                             Corey Goldglit - Rush Chairman
                                                 Look   out  for  another  philanthropy
                                                 event  benefiting  the  Believe  in  Miracles   Bradley Strode - Rush Chairman
                                                 Foundation this coming fall.            Ethan Podell - Rush/Social Chairman
                                                 While we plan our own philanthropy event   Graham Cummings - Pylortes
                                                 for  St.  Jude  Children’s  Research  Hospital   Chandler Clayton - Crysophylos
                                                 this spring, the boys of Beta-Sigma have been
                                                 actively participating in philanthropy events   Matthew Gates - Hegemon
                                                 across campus. In early March,  TKE made it   Matt Pisini - Social Chairman
                                                 into the playoffs of ADPi’s row cup, just weeks   Connor Hudson - Social Chairman
                                                 after winning Kappa Kickball for the second   Augustus Buzby - Hypophetes
                                                 consecutive year. Many Beta-Sigmas were also
                                                 spotted at the first ever IFC Blood Drive, donating   Harry Derecat - Hypophetes
                                                 their time and their blood to the American Red   Ryan Goldsher - Epiprytanis
               Many Beta-Sigma brothers helped with medical   Cross. Stay posted for exciting developments in   Mark Reid - Prytanis
   2           assistance in Cambodia this past winter break.  our fundraising efforts this year!
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