Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2012
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As executive director Illinois PGA Foundation and The First
I work with our staff to Tee of Greater Chicago for 13 years. We
deliver programming run wine tastings, golf outings and special
at Chicago area golf events each year and through these activities
courses and coordinate have been fortunate to meet some pretty
the fundraising activities neat people including a past U.S. President,
necessary to keep it TV personalities, professional athletes, etc.
all going. One such However, what’s been most rewarding is
fundraising program to see the results of those efforts – young
is the Illinois “Support people whose lives have been positively
Youth Golf” license plate impacted because we provided them a fun
program. Dollars raised and safe environment with caring adults,
from the plate program an opportunity to learn and grow, and yes,
helps our foundation learned a little golf along the way.
provide programming
On Monday, Sept. 24th, The Golf Channel’s “The Golf Fix” aired live from in Illinois elementary What do you do in your down time
the Ryder Cup at Medinah CC. They invited us to have 25 kids from The
First Tee attend the show and I joined host Michael Breed (left) at the end of schools, summer jobs outside of your job?
the show for a 2 minute segment. I’m on the right side of the photo. for teens and scholarship With all that we are doing to grow The
programs. First Tee and the preparation we put into
How did you get your start working in Just in our first three years we have the Ryder Cup, there hasn’t been much
sports? been able to help sponsor The First Tee free time, but all that is changing now. My
I never knew what I wanted to do as a career National School Program in 61 elementary wife Lisa and I are the proud parents of a
choice in “the real world”. In fact, today I schools providing lessons in golf and 4-month old, Robby Jr., and spend our time
still don’t know. However, I have always character education to over 25,000 Illinois enjoying him and wondering what he’ll do
been interested in running events. A few students. My fellow Illini will also notice next.
guys in the house at the time worked for that the plate design is orange and blue!
the athletic department – Trent Sheridan What advice do you have for your Sigma
’97, Grant Guenther ’97, and Case Pudik Who is your favorite golfer to watch Chi brothers about staying involved
’95. Trent is a great friend who helped me right now? with the chapter, and supporting the
reach out to Mike Raycraft (Sigma Chi Growing up it was always Tom Watson. community?
Kentucky alum – Kappa Kappa Chapter Today there are so many great players on My advice to fellow Sigma Chi brothers
Advisor). the PGA TOUR and I especially enjoy is that collectively we represent 100% the
I’ll never forget making that phone watching our local Professionals: Luke future of our chapter. We can choose to
call – I was so nervous. If I was Mike, Donald, Mark Wilson, Kevin Streelman, do nothing or we can choose to contribute
I would have hung up on me. Instead Steve Stricker and D.A. Points. something (time, talent or treasure) so that
Mike gave me a chance and invited me to I have the great pleasure of working 410 E. John Street carries on and is assured
the Bielfeldt Building to meet with him with Luke Donald (Northwestern Sigma a bright future.
and offered me an internship in the DIA Chi alum) and Mark Wilson who are super
marketing department. There I soon met people and champions for the kids we serve
other Kappa Kappa’s – Warren Hood ’87 through The First Tee of Greater Chicago.
and Dwight Eddleman ’46 (deceased).
Once again I was fortunate to meet a great What advice can you share about getting
mentor through Sigma Chi and able to into the sports business?
learn from the experience. I’ve seen a lot of sport marketing students
come out of school looking to work for a
What is it that you do for the Illinois professional sports team like the Chicago
Section PGA? Bulls or Bears. Those jobs are obviously
I am the executive director for the Illinois hard to come by. My advice is for
PGA Foundation and The First Tee of students who enjoy marketing, sales, event
Greater Chicago. If you watch any management, etc. to consider working
PGA TOUR event, you have likely seen for a nonprofit organization. Think about
a commercial for The First Tee. The how many 5K’s, half marathons, golf
exposure is tremendous and helps us in the outings, galas, etc. are out there. They’re
community as we focus on teaching kids everywhere and people are needed to run
character education through golf. Through them. You can create high level sport
the game we are able to teach a value system and entertainment events that involve
(honesty, integrity, courtesy, respect, etc.) hundreds of people while contributing to Photo shoot for Golf Now! Chicago magazine. I’m
that will help them make healthy choices in your community and a cause that you’re with two of our youth participants from The First Tee
their lives and prepare them for success in passionate about. of Greater Chicago standing in front of our Ryder Cup
school and life. I’ve been blessed to be a part of the Tartan Art on the Avenue golf ball.