Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2012
P. 5

Alumni news And notes

        mark  conducting  his  CPA  tax  practice.  Hookanson  French,  Ph.D.,  have  recently  Alumni News
        Jud Adams ’44   just passed the  63 year  James W. French ’69 and his wife Gwynne
        “Keeps  the  brain  busy  and  Alzheimer’s  become clients of Les Detterbeck’s ’69, of   Corner
        away.    Economy  in  East  Texas  booms  Detterbeck  Wealth  Management,  as  they
        along.  Wife Laura of 67 years passed away  look  to  retire  in  2012.    Jim  and  Gwynne
        in  December,  2011  after  suffering  with  enjoy visiting their four children and five  Arthur  J.  Baker  ’09  graduated  from
        dementia.  I just past 90 years of age - feel  grandchildren who live across the country,  University  of  Miami  School  of  Law,
        like 60!  The Lord has given me the gift of  from NY to TX, IL to UT.     Summa  Cum  Laude.    He  will  be  joining
        good health.”                                                             Baker & Hostetler as an associate in their
                                             Scott  R.  Marquardt  ’90  has  grown  his  business group.
        Robert  M.  Culbertson  ’54  recently  law  firm,  Marquardt  and  Belmonte  to
        welcomed his great grandson to the family  seven attorneys and is currently lobbying in  Have news?  We want to hear about it!
        – little Anderson Lewis.  Bob and his wife  Springfield.  Scott and his wife Barb built a
        Joy  spend  their  summers  near  Petoskey,  new home in Winfield where both of their
        Michigan.                            daughters, Julia and Lauren, are in school
                                             full time.
        Thompson A. Dyke ’56 retired in January
        2011 after 55 years as a city planner and  Curtis  J.  Bilyeu  ’02  is  working  as  the
        landscape architect and moved to Naples,  Director  of  Commodities  Trading.    He
        FL full time.  Recently wed Laura Phelps  recently married Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu of
        from Highland Park on 10/27/12 in Naples,  Delta Phi Epsilon last June.  Pictured right.
        FL.  “Go Illini!”

                     Thank You, Eric Rahn!
                               by Ryan Griffin ’05                       Kappa Kappa Corp. Board Members that
                                                                           were elected at Homecoming this year
            ric Rahn ’75 has achieved many accomplishments as
        Ean active member of the Kappa Kappa Corporation                 John C. Davis ’56              Derek Ferguson ’02
        of Sigma Chi which exemplify the principles that form            Eric W. Rahn ’75      Paul C. Bateman ’03
        the foundation of our fraternity.  These accomplishments         Steven R. Sarovich ’75  Matthew W. Miazga ’03
        did not start with his role on the corporation board.  As        James E. Hall ’76            Ryan P. Griffin ’05
        anyone  who  has  ever  spent  time  with  Eric  can  attest,    Mark V. Anderson ’77             Michael Jacobsen ’07
        his  commitment  to  his  family,  faith  and  fraternity  is    David Fewkes ’79           Wayne Vonder Heide ’07
        infectious.  When presented with the unique opportunity          Peter F. Steger ’79   Jason Detweiler ’08
        to pin the white cross on his son, Chris Rahn ’07, Eric          Robert A. Dauphinais ’98 Matt Briskin ’09
        went  above  and  beyond  participating  in  this  special       Alex Padgett ’98            Matt Eastman ’11
        moment.   Eric made a commitment to the chapter to begin his journey as the
        next leader of the corporation at a time when Kappa Kappa needed him most.
            Beginning with the thankless but daunting task of bringing our century-
        old structure up to modern fire codes, Eric deftly navigated the financial and   LEAVE A LEGACY!
        structural  hurdles  inherent  with  such  a  project  to  ensure  410  East  John’s
        relevance as a safe and inviting house for our future brothers.   Consider a lasting gift that will support Sigma Chi
            Eric’s deep sense of personal responsibility resulted in an extraordinary   long after you are gone. By including the Kappa
        commitment of time in the face of real challenges.  His pragmatic approach   Kappa Foundation in your estate plans you ensure
        to encouraging self-government at the chapter level paired with resources
        at the alumni level has resulted in sustainable and repeatable results at both   the long-term health and success of our fraternity.
            At the outset of Eric’s tenure as corporation president, he identified the   For more information about how you can make a
        most important way to reach our shared goals for Kappa Kappa…inspire and   contribution to Kappa Kappa Foundation of Sigma
        mentor the undergraduate chapter.  Eric’s commitment to sustainability led   Chi, contact Steve Sarovich ’75, Director of the
        him to recruit the next generation of alumni leaders to meet the challenges   Kappa Kappa Foundation at 630-824-4200.
        of  revamping  the  scholarship  program,  changing  property  management,
        reinvigorating  the  chapter’s  recruitment  and  restructuring  the  board’s
        finances.                                                         ***This information is not presented as legal or tax
            As Eric’s tenure has come to a close, the Kappa Kappa Corporation is as   advice. Always consult your advisors for questions
        strong and vital as ever and thankfully Eric is still onboard sharing his vast   you may have.***
        experience with his successors.
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