Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2012
P. 6

Chapter eternal

                         We are saddened to learn of the passing of the following Kappa Kappa brothers.
                                  Joseph Peck ’58                            Michael Williams ’62

              Richard Meadows ’57                      Merrill E. “Boz” Prichard ’48

        Captain    Richard                                           After ten days of care at the Casa de la Luz Hospice Home
        Meadows  Sr.  ’57                                            in Tucson, Arizona Merrill E. “Boz” Prichard ’48 passed
        from   Naples,   FL,                                         away on Sunday, September 30,2012. He was 87. The love
        age 76, and a 36 year                                        of his life, Bonnie, was at his side.
        resident  of  Naples,                                            “Boz” began working for the Sigma Chi Fraternity on
        passed   away   on                                           July 1, 1948 as Assistant Editor of The Magazine of Sigma
        December  8,  2011                                           Chi. He was promoted to Editor of the Magazine in 1949
        surrounded by loved ones nearby after a long 14 year   and remained the Editor thru 1955. In addition to his duties as editor he
        battle with MDS.  An aviator, Rich was a retired United   edited The Norman Shield, authored the Forward to the Robert M. Collett
        Airlines  747  captain.    He  spent  35  years  with  the   1855-1955 history of Sigma Chi, was one of the editor for the history and
        company, amassing more than 30,000 flight hours.    served as Executive Director of the Sigma Chi Fraternity 1953-1955.
            In  addition  to  a  satisfying  career,  United  also       In 1986, his friend and mentor, Carl Clare, who was then the Chairman
        introduced  Rich  to  his  wife  Gwen  who  worked  as  a   of the Board of Governors of the Sigma Chi Foundation asked “Boz” to
        stewardess for the airline.  Rich began flying in 1953   become President of the Sigma Chi Foundation. He accepted and served
        at  the  age  of  18  as  part  of  the  University  of  Illinois   in that capacity thru 1995, and has served as Governor Emeritus thereafter.
        aviation program.  After one year, which included many   On  his  retirement  as  President  of  the  Foundation,  the  Foundation  Board
        “missions” buzzing over the pier on Lake Michigan in a   commissioned “Boz” to record in book forms the history of the Sigma Chi
        Stearman biplane, he was hooked.  He decided to leave   Foundation. He had completed the work thru the early 1980’s and one of his
        the books behind and join the U.S. Air Force.    last wishes was that the Foundation Board would commission someone else
            Once  his  professional  piloting  career  ended,  Rich   to complete the task.
        enjoyed boating up and down Florida’s West Coast.  He      “Boz” was a Significant Sig, a member of the Order of Constantine,
        also devoted much of his time volunteering for Guardian   and named a member of the Sigma Chi 150th Anniversary Hall of Fame. He
        Ad  Litem  and  the  Foster  Care  Review  Board  helping   served ten years as President of the Kappa Kappa Chapter house Corporation
        troubled youth live better lives.  In his later years, Rich   and was a managing board member for fifty plus years. All Honor to his
        focused his time on his three “priceless” grandchildren.  name and may he serve as an example for Sigs who follow.

          We try to publish all news that is sent to us, depending on space.  Please send alumni updates, obituary notices, and other items to:
          Kappa Kappa Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828  |  Atlanta, GA 30366 or via email to:

        President, Continued from Page 1                       Davis ’56, who becomes the only two-time Kiler Award winner.
                                                               Their contributions have been essential to the success of the Board
        the undergrads to focus heavily on scholarship, rushing and their  over these last years.
        pledge program.  We have challenged the undergrads to renew their     We elected a new Board of Directors at our Annual Meeting of
        scholarship efforts.  From a pledging standpoint, they had another  Members at Homecoming on October 1.  I am pleased to announce
        very successful rush.  The challenge is to mold these young men  we continue to add a number of younger alums.  We continue to
        into fine Sigma Chi’s.                                 seek interested alumni to serve on Kappa Kappa’s board.  If any of
            The success in rush and initiating new brothers has resulted in  you are interested, we would welcome your participation.  Active
        the house being at capacity again.  Not only does this make for great  participation and mentoring from the Kappa Kappa Board are the
        brotherhood, but also provides for much stronger undergraduate  best ways to assist the undergrads in their quest for continuity and
        finances.  This has been an excellent semester for the undergrads  sustainability!
        financially; I cannot ever remember the chapter collecting its bills     Kappa Kappa has a rich and wonderful tradition of success
        this quickly.                                          – both at the undergraduate level and with our alumni.  We have
            As a board, we have been blessed to have a dedicated group  been  blessed  with  dedicated  volunteers  and  generous  alums.    I
        of alumni serving in various capacities.  I want to take a moment  am confident the chapter will honor this tradition with continued
        and thank Eric Rahn ’75 for serving as President of the Kappa  dedication and success!
        Kappa Corporation Board for the last five years.  His leadership
        has been outstanding and he has gone well past the call of duty in  In Hoc,
        committing his time and effort to building a sustainable Chapter
        and Board.  I would also like to congratulate the most recent Kiler  Alex Padgett
        Award winners:  Matt Miazga ’03, Rob Dauphinais ’98 and Jack  President

                   Alumni communication services provided by The Laurus Group   |  |  770-903-3987
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