Page 1 - Tau Kappa Epsilon - The Tech Teke - Fall 2017
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                                          Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2017
                                          AlumniRelationsOffice | P.O.Box 80828 Atlanta,Georgia 30366 |

                                                       BOA Letter to Alumni

        TKE Beta Pi                                     Dear Fraters,           the  semester,  the  class  culminates  in  a  cook-
                                                                                off  similar  to  what  you’ve  seen  on TV  shows.  I
                                                           It is with continued pride
        Board of Advisors                               that I write to you again this   encourage you to volunteer to be a judge. You
                                                        year as the Chairman of our   can find a worse way to spend an evening than
                                                        Beta-Pi  Board  of  Advisors.   sitting around with friends, enjoying some first
        Ric Gray ’87                                    Our undergraduate chapter   class food. The meals will surprise you and are
        Chairman                                        and  our  board  remain   always amazing.
                                                        strong.  It  has  been  a  busy   This fall, Steve will be starting a new program.
        Keith Altobelli ’85              year  and  the  students  will  be  returning  soon   We will be providing a catering service to nearby,
        Finances                         to begin preparations for the fall semester and   smaller  fraternities/sororities  that  don’t  have
                                         rush. I’m sure a wealth of memories just started   a kitchen or meal plan. We’ll be delivering a set
        Matt Biggers ’12                 flooding back as you recall those first few weeks   number  of  meals  to  these  folks  for  a  fee  each
        Facilities                       back after the summer break … seeing old friends   meal.  The  revenue  from  this  enterprise  will
                                         again, work week, rush parties, and, of course,   supplement our meal plan and make our kitchen
        Michael Costner ’12              football games.                        program  even  stronger. We  are  all  very  excited
        Kitchen                            The  chapter  is  coming  off  a  strong  year   about  this  enterprise  and  we  already  have  a
                                         in  2016/17.  They  started  the  year  off  last  fall   couple of clients lined up for trial runs.
        Scott McNinch ’84                winning the Top Teke Chapter Award. As a special   As  you  can  see,  your  Beta  Pi  chapter  is
        Membership Development           reward to the chapter, the BOT purchased a new   healthy  and  as  strong  as  ever.  Still  one  of  the
                                         sound system for the house. It was professionally   top  fraternities  on  campus,  and  enjoying  a
        Michael Smith ’85                installed  and  has  made  a  huge  difference  for   tremendous  run  of  exceptional  leadership,
        Recorder and Chapter             their  social  activities.  I  hope  all  of  you  get   helping them achieve things like Top Teke. If you
        Adviser                          a  chance  to  hear  it  at  an  upcoming  football   are so inclined, I encourage you to get involved.
                                         tailgate.  This  year’s  Top  Teke  Chapter  Awards   Whether  it’s  through  the  Board  of  Advisors,
        Matt Zerkus ’16                  will  be  announced  at  Conclave  this  fall.  The   committee  work  (like  Homecoming  or  alumni
        Recruiting                       undergraduate exec team feels good about their   communications),  fundraising  for  phase  two
                                         performance last year in all areas measured, and   of  the  house  construction,  mentoring  juniors
        Minton O’Neal ’83                we are anxiously awaiting the results.   and  seniors  on  career  development,  or  simply
        Philanthropy                       Membership  at  Beta  Pi  remains  strong.  In   coming to the house for a home football game,
                                         fact, they will be returning to a full house again   I encourage you to stay connected or reconnect
        Bryan Hess ’83                   this  year,  which  is  always  helpful  during  rush.   with  your  fraternity.  It  truly  is  a  rewarding
        Alumni Relations/                The  BOT  has  made  large  investments  over  the   experience to give back to that which gave us all
        Communications                   past two years in two areas. First, updating the   so much.           plumbing  and  bathrooms  in  the  public  areas   We have a great fraternity and we are all very
                                         of  the  social  quarters  this  summer.  Second,   fortunate  to  be  a  part  of  Beta  Pi.  Please  don’t
        Justin Migliaccio ’12            making significant improvements to the kitchen,   hesitate  to  reach  out  to  me  if  you  want  to  get
        Alumni Relations                 including  new  commercial  grade  refrigerators/  more involved, or even if you have ideas to share
                                         freezers, oven, and dishwasher. In addition, the   or simply want to reconnect.
        Karl Paul ’69                    exhaust  and  fire  suppressant  system  and  A/C
        Member At Large                  were all upgraded or repaired. It’s safe to say the   YITB,

                                         kitchen operation is as strong as I’ve seen it in
        Doug Hale ’87                    over 30 years.
        Member At Large                    They have a tremendous chef in Steve Hewins,
                                         who  truly  takes  care  of  the  facility  and  the
        Gavin Rinaldo ’14                undergrads. We all know how important our meal   Ric Gray ’87
        Ex officio Resident Adviser      program is to the chapter. Steve does so many   Chairman, Board of Advisors
                                         extra things for these guys, including a cooking   Beta Pi #828
        Jake White ’17                   class  for  10-12  undergrads  every  semester.  He   770-570-8671
        Ex officio Chapter Prytanis      teaches  them  how  to  prepare  healthy,  quick,
                                         and easy “gourmet” class meals. At the end of
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