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Alumni News

        Alumni Spotlight: John A. Sheffield ’80

        By Glen Boylan ’81                   have a good time.”                   Alpharetta,  the  long-time  host  of  TMB,  John
           The TKEs at Georgia Tech have a long history   The  round  of  golf  was  followed  by  some   solicited  donations  from  the  participants  to
        of doing good works for others—and managing   adult  beverages  and  poker  back  at  John’s   be  auctioned  and  raffled  in  the  clubhouse
        to  have  a  good  time  themselves  while  doing   house.                after  the  event. What  started  as  a  few  items
        so. Perhaps no Beta Pi TKE has embraced that   The number of participants grew and they   has grown exponentially, both in quantity and
        methodology  as  well  as  frater  John  Sheffield   settled  on  the  date—traditionally  the  Friday   quality, so that the post event auction is one of
        ’80.  John’s Tax  Man  Blues  golf  tournament  is   after taxes are due—and a new name.   the highlights of the day.
        a highlight each spring for several foursomes   “We used the outing as stress relief from   And all the activities after the tournament
        of TKEs, as well as many of John’s neighbors,   having  to  file  taxes,”  John  recalls.  “Tax  Man   still go on, sometimes at more than one TMB
        friends,   and   business                           Blues  seemed  like  the   household, but you can count on the fact that
        associates.                                         perfect name.”        each TMB ends up with poker being played at
           But more than that, the                            More and more people   John’s  house.  To  recognize  the  years  of  hard
        tournament  has  become                             joined  the  tournament,   work Sheffield has put into the event, this year
        an  annual  fundraiser  for                         and the after-golf activities   the TMB participants got together to surprise
        North Fulton Communities                            quickly  grew  from  just   John with an official Tax Man Blues poker table.
        Charities (NFCC). For years                         poker  to  bocce  ball,   But  John  is  quick  to  point  out  that  he
        now,  the  proceeds  from                           horseshoes,  table  tennis,   doesn’t do this on his own. Many of the golfers
        the  day’s  activities  (it’s                       and an open barbeque grill   donate  the  prizes,  get  contributions  from
        much more than just a golf                          for  all  sorts  of  delectable   neighborhood  businesses,  and  help  run  the
        tournament  now)  have                              meats.  And  poker. There’s   event.
        been donated to NFCC.                               always poker.            “So  many  people  make  the  TMB  work,
           In  recognition  of  that                          Word  spread  and  the   I’m  reluctant  to  name  any  because  I’ll  miss
        support,   North   Fulton                           event  continued  to  grow.   someone,  but  Dave  Hady  and  John  Johnson
        Community    Charities   Barbara Duffy presents the North   Somewhere  about  1997,   have  contributed  a  lot  of  time  and  effort  for
        awarded  the  Tax  Man   Fulton Community Charities 2015 Civic   John  had  the  idea  to  use   many years to the event,” Sheffield said. “The
        Blues as their Civic Partner   Partner of the Year award to John   the  golf  tournament  as   event  wouldn’t  be  anywhere  near  what  it  is
        of  the  Year  for  2015.   Sheffield and the Tax Man Blues.  a  way  to  raise  money  for   today without their help.”
        The  donation  from  the                            NFCC.                    In true Beta Pi fashion, John has managed
        2016 tournament put the Tax Man Blues over   North  Fulton  Community  Charities  (NFCC)   to  combine  an  enjoyable  day  of  golfing,
        $100,000 in total donations to NFCC. And this   is  a  nonprofit  agency  working  to  build  self-  fellowship,  and  fun  with  raising  money  for  a
        year’s  event  celebrated  two  milestones:  the   sufficiency and preventing homelessness and   great organization working hard to help people
        25th anniversary of the TMB, and the largest   hunger  for  people  in  the  Alpharetta,  Johns   out  right  in  John’s  hometown.  You  can’t  beat
        single year donation, over $28,000.   Creek,  Milton,  Mountain  Park,  and  Roswell   that, even with an aces high straight.
           But it didn’t exactly start out that way.   areas. The training and opportunities provided   The 2018 Tax Man Blues is already in the
           Way  back  in  1992,  it  was  just  John  and  a   by  the  NFCC  Education  Center  have  helped   works. If you’re interested in participating on
        handful of neighbors heading out to play golf.   1,200  adults  move  toward  financial  stability   April 20, keep an eye on the Beta Pi newsletter
           “Our  wives  called  it  ‘the  Husbands  from   and self-sufficiency.  for more information early next year, or go to
        Hell,’”  Sheffield  said.  “We  were  just  out  to   Teaming  up  with  the  Trophy  Club  in

                              Tax Man Blues participants at the charity event for North Fulton Community Charities.

        The Tech Teke | Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2017                 3
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