Page 4 - Tau Kappa Epsilon - The Tech Teke - Fall 2017
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Chapter News
Message from honored with this
esteemed recogni-
the Prytanis tion. A few highlights
by the chapters that
It is with great were particularly
excitement that influential in Beta
I can announce Pi’s merit for the
on behalf of the award are its commit-
chapter that Beta Pi ment to academics,
TKE, for the second p h i l a n t h r o p y ,
year in a row, has member develop-
been selected as ment and leadership,
a national Top TKE and extracurricular
Award recipient. This award is an incredible involvement. Along-
honor and comes as the result of a year of side its impressive
excellence by our brothers. 3.2-plus overall GPA
During the weekend of August 3-6, Beta Pi was the chapter’s Brothers Rishi Patel, Jack Mitchell, and Matt Polley receiving Top TKE
sent four representatives to New Orleans for accumulation of Award at National Conclave in New Orleans.
TKE Conclave. This event serves as an oppor- more than $10,000
tunity for each chapter across the nation to in philanthropy dollars, completed through diligent contribution as brothers in the bond
interact with one another, and it is also the more than 1,000 man hours. Moreover, the does not go without reward. In the meantime,
time when the Grand Chapter can highlight chapter continues to maintain close ties with however, it is important to recognize that the
some of the achievements within the frater- its alumni network with events ranging from summit has not been met. We will continue to
nity at a national, provincial, and local level. tailgates to philanthropy outings, and this is emphasize these same factors to the highest
During this time, chapters were recognized all done while also excelling beyond the class- degree, and we will continue to exemplify
with awards for their success in various results room and fraternity house. By harnessing meritocracy as a chapter. As we kick off the
areas, including philanthropy, membership, each brother’s skills and abilities for the good semester in school, we have high hopes of
alumni relations, and others. Among the 245 of the chapter, Beta Pi has enjoyed great making 2017-2018 another year to remember.
TKE chapters across the nation, however, only success in establishing its name as a flagship
a very select few are honored with a Top TKE chapter whose well-roundedness is second to
Award, which is granted to those chapters none.
that have exhibited excellence in each facet. In short, this is a year that will proudly John Foster
Beta Pi is now on a two-year streak of being be remembered, and it stands to prove that Prytanis
By John Foster top house in this area. our excellent performance this year, and we
The 2016-2017 school year was chalked Summer recruitment is well underway, had several brothers representing Beta Pi
up as another success for the Beta Pi and one incoming freshman has already at National Conclave to receive the award in
Chapter. The chapter thrived not only in many accepted his bid to become the first member New Orleans this August.
of the Key Results Areas (KRAs) as set forth of the fall 2017 pledge class. Although most would agree our chapter
by Nationals, but also in the intangibles that Philanthropy was another clear success excelled in hitting the numbers that make us
prove to be some of the most redeeming this year, as the chapter put forth impressive a competitive chapter in the national scope,
aspects of brotherhood within TKE. efforts in the attempt to secure a Top TKE the Beta Pi Chapter continues to take pride
This year, Beta Pi excelled in many award for the second year in a row. No small in its attributes that extend beyond mere
areas assessed by TKE Nationals and the gesture was made, as more than $10,000 metrics. Each year, Beta Pi strives to stay
Interfraternity Council—namely membership was raised for various philanthropy causes, involved both on Georgia Tech’s campus
and philanthropy. With 25 new members including approximately $2,000 for St. Jude’s, and in extracurricular events. One way TKE
having been initiated, this year was no which exceeded our goal set by Nationals. stays active is by participating in intramural
exception in the chapter’s dedication to This feat was attained by an input of more sports. While obviously the recreation makes
maintaining strong numbers. Rush and than 1,000 man-hours, which included these games worthwhile, our brothers do
membership development are considered time put forth by nearly every brother. St. represent the chapter well on a competitive
to be some of the most critical roles within Baldrick’s head shaving event at Ri Ra’s Irish level. Alongside its dodgeball championship
Beta Pi’s leadership, and as a result of the Pub was another major contributor to the was the victory of many playoff games,
dedication of former Rush Chairman Sam success this year, as were various community including a few tough championship defeats.
Rubin, current Rush Chairman Jack Schlumper, service projects conducted by groups and Furthermore, the Beta Pi Chapter also stays
and the commitment of all brothers to ensure individuals. Altogether, the chapter was involved by maintaining a social presence.
that we recruit future leaders to maintain a pleased with the result of its hard work in The brothers in our chapter enjoyed our
large and diverse chapter, we remained as a making philanthropy a priority. Our chapter
was selected to receive a national award for (continued on page six)
4 The Tech Teke | Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity | Georgia Institute of Technology | Fall 2017