Page 2 - TN Delta WI 2017-18
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   From the President

   (continued from page one)
   have the House Corporation Annual
   Meeting after the luncheon so board
   members can address and inform the
   membership of the specific impacts
   of the project to our chapter and our                                                       The Alley, after
   property.                                     The Alley, before
      If you are unable to attend on
   Founders Day, I encourage you to edu-
   cate yourself as much as you can and send
   me an email at
   if you  have any questions  or concerns.
   I also want to urge you to complete the
   proxy form that is linked in this newslet-
   ter and follow the instructions provided
   so we have your vote counted on the           24  Ave., before                             24  Ave., after
   approval of the membership of the board
   of directors for the upcoming year, and in   Additionally, we have reinstated the Graham G.   I hope you will find the content of this newsletter
   case we have other important matters to attend to.  Stone Scholarship Fund application and award process,   to be interesting and informative, and look forward to a
   Proxy Instructions                       and plan to announce the winner of this scholarship at  very exciting Founders Day 2018.
      Please  complete  the proxy form  with the needed   Founders Day. You can show YOUR support with a
   information. The proxy is good for 11 months from the   gift to the 2018 Annual Fund, and by attending our
   date you sign it.                        upcoming Founders Day Weekend. To make a secure
      You can access and fill out the proxy at:   donation and update your contact information, visit   Rob Ayerst   us online at With your   President
                                            help, we can truly achieve great things.   Tennessee Delta House Corporation

     From the Correspondent

                          Hello,   brothers!  Senior Class Fund. Life around the house has been a
                       I’m  Price Marshall, the   welcome break from the hustle and bustle around cam-
                       alumni relations chair,   pus. Living in the house, I’ve really been able to enjoy
                       and I just wanted to give   plenty of brotherhood, from all of the guys stopping by
                       you all a quick update   with their lunch as we watch the Game Show Network
                       on the state of the chap-  on TV to the Sunday study hours, catered by our dili-
                       ter. It’s been a busy fall   gent scholarship chairs. I’d try and give little shout outs   The new fall class, flanked by their pledge masters
                       semester for all of us over   to all of the brothers who have been active around cam-  immediately after initiation in Benton Chapel.
     Price Marshall and his   at Tennessee Delta as we   pus, but I don’t think they’re giving me enough space
          mother.      all try and keep up with   in this newsletter! From our intramural teams cleaning   If you want to get in contact with us, please don’t hesi-
                       the Vanderbilt grind. Our   up in soccer, to our brothers in the performing arts, to   tate  to email  me at,
   chapter had a great semester for campus impact, leading   our brothers excelling in the field of engineering (and   and I would be happy to pass your message along!
   in Greek Member Experience among IFC fraternities   you should be able to read a little more about that in   Amici,
   and reaching 100 percent participation in Vanderbilt’s   the Spotlight article!), Phi Psi continues to maintain
                                                               an excellent presence on
                                                               campus, one that I’m sure   Brother Price Marshall
                                                               our new fall class of eight
                                                               brothers will continue to
                                                               uphold, one of the larg-
                                                               est fall classes taken by
                                                               fraternities on campus this
                                                                 As we gear up for
                                                               the spring semester and
                                                               prepare ourselves for the
                                                               spring class of new mem-
                                                               bers, we’re confident that
                                                               we will maintain this posi-  Our graduating seniors gathered their pledge class
     The brotherhood (and a few dates) enjoy some downtime in Gatlinburg over fall break,   tive momentum to finish   together for a pic at their last football tailgate together as
                  enjoying a group hike through the mountains.  the school year out strong.      undergraduates.
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