Page 4 - TN Delta WI 2017-18
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Alumni Spotlight, cont’d.

     What  did  you  enjoy  most  during  your  How  do  you  connect  with  your  TN  Delta
     career?                                brothers today?
       I spent the last 11 years of my career working   We regularly join  Mark Browning ’70 for the   CHAPTER
     for a company that has the largest fleet of railcars in   annual TN Delta Memorial Day Reunion in Florida.
     North America. My experience working in all sides   We recently joined Byron Cain ’70, Chuck Higgins
     of  manufacturing  and  design  engineering  gave  me   ’67, and Larry Brown ’70 for a wonderful week in   ETERNAL
     insight into design and production issues. My job   New Orleans. Since I have retired I have been able
     included reviewing all the railcar building in the U.S.,   to make every GAC. I will go to my 10  GAC this
     Canada, and Mexico. It was a lot of traveling to the   next summer. I make an occasional Homecoming and   We are saddened to learn of the passing of
     industrial areas in North America.     Founders Day.                             the following TN Delta brother. Our deepest
     How are you spending your time now that  What  advice  can  you  give  the  alumni  and   sympathies to his friends and family.
     you’re retired?                        young actives about keeping the Phi Kappa   Henry  Edward  Hughes  ’63  (Delta  568),
       We recently bought a house in Venice, Florida.  Psi legacy at Vanderbilt thriving?  of Lexington, KY, on September 9, 2016. At
     We plan to spend half the year in Florida and half in   The most important thing is to keep in contact   Vanderbilt, he worked as a bartender to pay his
     Ohio. I am on a couple of charitable boards. I spent   with the friends you make in college. This is often   way through school and was a member of Phi
     a lot of time playing bridge and visiting the grand-  hard to do with the pressures of jobs and families.   Kappa Psi Fraternity. He practiced law with
     children. Once a year we will take some of them to   You can share with your friends who have similar   Keller Shuffett Kenton & Associates from 1966
     Disneyworld. We have also been able to travel with   experiences and history. Some of my best friends are   to 1976. He mentored a young Jim Lowery,
     fellow TN Deltans and Vanderbilt travel programs.   brothers from other chapters.   with whom he practiced law for the
                                                                                     remainder of his career, retiring in
                     The Composite Project                                           2010. He is survived by two
                                                                                     daughters, a granddaughter,
                                                                                     and a nephew.
                                                As part of the project to decorate the house,
                                             a collection of chapter composite photos is
                                             being assembled. This will provide a historical
                                             statement about the long history of Tennessee
                                             Delta, and provide a visual impact about the
                                             broad span of brothers over the years. If you
                                             have a composite that you would like to loan
                                             or give to us, that would be most welcome!
                                             So far, we have composites from these years:   Have Alumni News?
                                             •  Loaners: loan it to us, we will super scan it,   e want to hear from you! Send your per-
                                               have it reprinted, framed and hung, and then   Wsonal updates, accomplishments, adven-
                                               returned to you.                     tures, and photos to our Account Manager Kasey
                                             •  Donations: donate it to us and we will frame   Breedlove at, or
                                               and hang it.                         simply fill out the tear-away form at the bottom
                                             To loan or donate, contact Byron Cain ’70 at:   of your cover letter and return it in the mail.
                                               We want to share it in the next issue of  The
                                                                                    Delta Shield!

                                           Become a TN Delta Mentor

                                              Do you have the inclination and time to be a mentor, coach, guide, “Merlin” to one of the young men
                                           in the chapter? We are looking for alums who would like to guide our undergraduates in career research or
                                           life skills.
                                              What is the commitment? That is up to the student and alum involved. It can be as little as one phone
                                           call or meeting, or an ongoing supportive relationship. You don’t have to live in Nashville, or wherever
                                           the student lives, because it can happen through old-fashioned telephone calls as well as meetings. We are
                                           especially looking for alums who work in the following fields: engineering, wealth management, law, or
                                           general business management.
                                              This can be a way to have a positive, specific impact on the lives of our younger brothers! Eight of our
                                           students have been matched up so far, and these volunteer alums are already making a difference in their
                                           individual lives.
                                              To share your expertise and life experience in a valuable, meaningful, one-on-one format, contact Byron
                                           Cain ’70 at

                  Alumni communication services provided by Elevate   |  |  770-903-3987  |          @elevateims
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