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Cal Delta Spotlight

                                USC House Corporation of Phi Delta Theta | Fall 2018 | University of Southern California
                                Alumni Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |

        USC House                       Alumni Spotlight: Guy V. Pacurar ’81


     A Word From Our President          Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter
                                        we’re shining the Spotlight on brother Guy Pacurar
                  The time seems        ’81, proprietor of the Brewery Gulch Inn and
                 to go by faster and    Fathers + Daughters Cellars. Guy’s inn is known
                 faster, as I cannot    worldwide and has received multiple awards for
                                        best hotel and excellence.
                 believe the New Year
                 has snuck up on us     From the hometown of Del Mar, CA, Guy gradu-
                 yet again!             ated from USC with a degree in communications
                  Thank you for         and international relations. His experience ranges
    all those who came out during       from 20 years leading the student exchange pro-
    Homecoming this past year! The      gram to managing a congressional race before
    outcome was less than desirable, but   opening his inn.
    it was great to have time to spend   A man of many talents and leadership, Guy and
    amongst brothers. Part of being a   his wife Sarah recently expanded their business and
    Trojan football fan means that we   added an award-winning pinot noir, Ella’s Reserve,
    are used to the USC roller coaster   named after their little girl. Guy is also proud of his
    ride that the athletic program puts   daughter Taylor, who is also working in the wine   Guy Pacurar sits atop the overlook above his
    us through every fall. This year was   industry at Russian River Valley.           vineyard in Mendocino, California.
    no different! Undoubtedly, we have   As an active chapter member, Guy served the chap-
    some young talent, but after this   ter as kitchen steward and pledge trainer. The Scroll recently recognized him for his work in the
    season I am looking forward to see-  community, including the Mendocino Film Festival and Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association.
    ing the team mature and become a
    cohesive powerhouse over the next   What are your fondest memories from being an   unnamed) made them wish they had robbed
    few years.                        active chapter member?                        the Betas instead,
      Next, I want to share a brief     •  Rooming with seven other guys in The Cabin
    update regarding the three-year       my first semester after pledging,       •  Missing a chapter meeting only to learn the
    room renovation project we began                                                next day that I had been elected kitchen
    during the summer of 2017. So far,   •  Late-night runs to Lucy’s,              steward; then,
    we  have  successfully refurbished   •  Getting my shamrock at Tom Bergin’s with-  •  With little experience in budgeting, spending
    rooms 5 through 17, with rooms        out ever drinking any alcohol there,      an entire month’s food budget on one dinner.
    5 through 10 being completed this   •  Stealing the furniture from the Gamma Phi   How do you stay in the loop with Cal Delta
    summer and rooms 11 through 17        house and making them sing to get it back,  today?
    being completed during the sum-     •  A high-speed chase after some thieves who   I  read  The  Scroll  and  the  periodic  chapter
    mer of 2017. We will wrap up the      broke into our pantry during a party until   newsletters, and I stay in touch with several guys
    project next summer by refurbishing   we cornered them in a market somewhere   from the house.
    rooms 1 through 4, and room 18, the   in south L.A. where one of my brothers
    resident advisor’s room. After this is   (a Golden Gloves boxer who will remain   After graduation, how did you apply your
    completed, we will be keeping high                                          degree?
    standards for all rooms during the                                            I graduated with a degree in communications
    year and utilizing security deposits                                        and in international relations. My first job was
    in order to bring each room up to                                           managing the campaign for a San Diego City
    standard after moving out. This will                                        Council  seat.  I  later  put  my  international  rela-
    include cleaning, painting, furniture                                       tions education to use running an international
    replacement, blind repair, and A/C                                          student exchange program for 20 years.
    repair. So far, the tenants have been                                       Having worked in politics, what would you say
    extremely happy with the amount                                             brings out the best in a candidate?
    of focus that has been put on room                                            A little leverage.
      Lastly, let me give a brief update                                        What did you enjoy about working with the
                                                                                international student exchange program?
       USC House (Continued on Page 4)   The Great Room at the Brewery Gulch Inn.              Pacurar (Continued on page 4)
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