Page 2 - Phi Dleta Theta USC - Fall 2018
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Chapter News
President’s incredibly successful in terms of
This semester has also been
Message philanthropic and event hosting
endeavors. We hosted our fall
Sina Mahbobi philanthropy, Phi Delt Beach
Bash, at our chapter house, where
other sororities compete in a
knockout beach volleyball tour-
Brothers, nament. We raised over $2,500
s I come to the end of my term as presi- for the LiveLikeLou Foundation
Adent and look to the winter, it’s a great as a result of this event. We also
time to look back at some of our successes engaged in joint seminars on well-
over the past year. With sustained member- ness, sexual assault prevention,
ship growth, philanthropy donations, a new and drug and alcohol abuse, as we
20-member Alpha Beta class, and Phi Delta do every semester. We are proud of the active chapter and their philanthropic
Theta awards, we are very proud of every- At the general convention I efforts! Here they are representing the chapter at the
thing we have achieved this semester. attended this summer, we were ALS Walk.
A new university policy of deferred rush presented with a high number
this fall, where first semester freshman can no of awards. These include Excellence in coming in the spring and in the future.
longer join Greek life, made it tough to keep Recruitment and Initiation, Excellence in Looking at the continued growth in member-
numbers in Greek life. Thanks to the hard Scholarship, The GHQ Award, and the Silver ship, innovative philanthropy, and sustained
work of our Rush Chairs Jimmy Huber and Star Award. We continued to have the second leadership in the Greek community, it is
Charlie Pangborn, we were able to obtain highest GPA of IFC fraternities, missing out definitely an exciting time to be a Phi, and an
the largest new member class on the entire on first place by a close margin yet again. I’ve exciting future to look forward to.
row. This class of 20 has already been very been incredibly impressed by the academic All the best,
involved in the house, and our continued and drive of the brothers in the house, especially
sustained growth even with these new restric- because California Delta has a large number of
tions on recruitment attests to all the effort we engineers in comparison to other fraternities. Sina Mahbobi ΦΔΘ
have been putting in to be the best versions of I have really enjoyed my term as president Chapter President
ourselves. and cannot wait to see the fantastic things
Chapter Spotlight: Jamison Baken
Editor’s Note: Representing
the chapter is senior classman
Jamison Baken. From the
hometown of Billings, MT,
Jamison is on track to graduate
this spring with a degree in
music production. His love of
music reaches outside of school
as he and fellow pledge brother
Benny Friedman are in the folk Playing tunes in the car on our west coast tour last May.
band Bannack. Jamison’s work
experience includes freelance
music production (mixing/
mastering). Outside of school,
Headshot taken the night of Bannack’s album release he enjoys travel, hiking, and
party (January 26, 2018). dancing.
What have you enjoyed most as member of to go nearly anywhere in the country, and
Cal Delta? often the world, and know that there is a
As a member of Cal Delta, I found some friend close by. The network is fantastic.
of my best friends and I can clearly trace Outside of school, what do you for fun?
these relationships to the people I surround In my free time I am mostly found
myself with today. I also enjoy being able
creating music or performing. I try to fill Bannack Press photo supporting the release of our
album, Compendium.