Page 3 - Phi Dleta Theta USC - Fall 2018
P. 3
Alumni News
Cal Delta Wins Awards at Best Spot on the Row
Phi Delta Theta National New University Village Showcases Phi Delt House
At this summer’s Phi Delta Theta National
Convention in San Antonio, Texas, Cal Delta
won awards for Excellence in Recruitment
& Initiation, the GHQ Award, Excellence in
Scholarship, and was honored with the Silver
Star Award. Congratulations, men!
For decades, the Phi Delt House was said to Replacing the old shopping center that
be located “at the end of The Row.” With the housed the 32nd Street Market, the University
completion of the new USC University Village, Village’s seven buildings opened in August
it is now accurate to say that our house is at 2017 at a cost of $700 million. They provide
Alex Trannon and Sina Mahbobi representing the beginning of The Row. new housing for 2,500 students, along with
the chapter at spring convention.
a host of retail businesses including Target
and Trader Joe’s. The new development is a
stone’s throw from the Phi Delts and moves
the center of gravity on campus decidedly in
our direction. Our chapter house is the first
my time with stop on The Row for foot traffic coming from
as much music the Village. During the latest rush period in
as possible, but August, the number of visiting rushees was
additionally phenomenal and—along with the great work
enjoy hiking and of the chapter and its rush chairmen—resulted
eating good food in a pledge class of top-quality guys that is
in interesting one-third larger than any other fraternity at
places. USC.
How long have
you and Benny
played together? Have Alumni News?
Benny and I
have been play- We want to hear from you!
ing music since Send your personal updates, accomplish-
the first weeks Hiking in Yucca Valley east of Los Angeles. ments, adventures, and photos to our
that we met in Account Manager Kasey Breedlove at
our pledge class for Phi Delta Theta. In How would you like to apply your degree after
the over three years since then, we have graduation?, or simply fill
released a 13-track album and played I am hoping to apply my degree in music pro- out the back of the enclosed gift form and
shows in L.A., San Francisco, Seattle, San duction by working with bands and artists to return it in the mail. We want to share it in the
Diego, Chicago, New York, and more. produce records after graduation. I am looking next issue of the Cal Delta Spotlight!
This journey has been incredible and one to work at a recording studio in Los Angeles
of the most important parts of my life. and begin a career as a songwriter/producer.