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Marching Along
A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Spring 2019
Gamma Xi Chapter Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |
Brothers, Doctor Beta – Peter Sealey ’62, Ph.D.
The brothers of the Gamma By Fred Wallrapp ’78
Xi Chapter initiated 13 new
Beta Men of Principle during the When Peter Sealey’s dad dropped him off at the Peter ask Dean Cross, “These
spring semester. As you may have University of Florida campus as a freshman, he had people have acquired success
noticed, the world has changed, no idea that he would join a fraternity. His dad had and wealth, so why can’t I?”
hopefully for the better. The pledge period is attended UF for one semester, but had to drop out Back in Gainesville, Bill Cross
down to eight weeks. That’s a lot to learn in two due to hard times in the Great Depression. If Peter mentored Peter on what he
months, but the current active members seem was successful and graduated, he would be the first had to do to reach the success
to be doing just fine. They developed a new member of his family to earn a college degree. No he dreamed of. The roadmap
pledge program with guidance from the general pressure. What he did know was that the campus he laid out for Peter was quite
fraternity, and that has been successful as well. was very big. When a high school classmate from simple. Do whatever it takes to have the credentials
I often speak of the great things our undergrad Tampa invited him to the Beta house, which was and visibility to be accepted to a top-flight graduate
members are doing while on campus, in quite new at the time, Peter was happy to visit any school. First item was to get all As in his courses.
academics, sports, philanthropy, and leadership place where he could begin to bring the massive size Pete had been a mediocre student until then, but
activities. That fine work, which we should all be of the university down to a more human scale. by applying himself he became a straight A student.
proud of, continues. What we don’t often brag He liked the men he met there, pledged Beta, Next, Dean Cross helped Peter get the high-visibility
about is the success our Beta brothers achieve and went on to become a Beta brother. Thinking position of Master of Ceremonies for Gator Growl.
after graduation. As we approach another spring, back on those days now, Pete has fond memories of The entertainment that year at Gator Growl was
the graduating seniors are moving on to the next the camaraderie he found at Beta Theta Pi. “Going the great trumpeter Louie Armstrong. Peter recalled
phases of their lives. The list of their next steps to Gator football games on crisp fall afternoons, how exciting it was to be on the stage with a world-
is impressive, with many of them going on to dressing in a coat and tie for dinner, singing together, famous entertainer. Sadly, in pre-civil rights Florida,
graduate school in accounting, law, engineering, and dating sorority girls were all great times,” he the closest hotel that would accommodate Mr.
medicine, or numerous other disciplines. Some recalled during our recent conversation. A real Armstrong was in Jacksonville.
By Fred Wallrapp ’79
are either performing internships or getting tipping point for Peter was getting elected president Peter and Dean Cross worked together to develop
permanent positions in their chosen fields. And of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at UF. This got a food buying co-operative for the UF fraternities.
many attribute their success to the lessons they him involved with the school administration, where Rather than each fraternity negotiating food prices
learned while members of Beta Theta Pi at UF. he met Bill Cross, then the Assistant Dean of Men. with their vendors, the co-op negotiated prices for
Our alumni spotlight in this edition is on Peter Peter didn’t have a good answer when Bill asked him, the houses as a group. This added buying power
Sealey, a Beta who attributes much of his success “So, Pete, what are you going to do with your life?” was very successful and helped reduce prices by 20
in life to the things he learned and people he met To help answer that question, the two took several to 30 percent. On his relationship with Bill Cross,
while a member of Beta Theta Pi at UF. trips together on IFC business, visiting far-away Peter commented, “He took me, a country kid
Please stop in the house whenever you are places like Los Angeles and New York City. Seeing from Tampa, under his wing and taught me how
in Gainesville. The active brothers are always limos lined up on Park Avenue in New York made to be a success.” After graduation, what Dean Cross
eager to welcome back their Beta brothers who taught him helped Pete get accepted to graduate
came before them. The house is beautiful. If school at both Harvard and Yale. Harvard wanted
you haven’t seen it lately, you will be pleasantly him to take a year off before starting. Peter, being
surprised. You will receive a very warm welcome impatient and eager to get on with his education,
from the fine young men there today. chose Yale, where he went on to earn a master’s
Are you receiving the Beta Theta Pi magazine? degree. After grad school, he worked first at Proctor
Once a Beta, always a Beta, and so if you are and Gamble and then went on to Coca-Cola,
not receiving it, let me know your name and where he spent the majority of his career. He rose
mailing address and I will have it sent to you. to the position of chief marketing officer worldwide
See my email address below. There is no cost with a $1 billion budget. His “Always Coca-Cola”
and it is published three times a year. You may global advertising campaign was the high point
(continued on page five) Peter and his wife, Elizabeth. (continued on page six)