Page 4 - Marching Along - Beta Theta Pi - University of Florida - Spring 2019
P. 4

Brother Achievements


      By Jack Fitzgerald | Internal Philanthropy Chairman
        This year’s iteration of Beta Bring It On, or  chapter of Alpha Phi, made this event the biggest
      BBIO, could not have gone any better than it  in its history.
      did. I am happy to report that after
      painstaking months of preparation
      and  coordination, BBIO was  more
      successful and efficient than in any
      years past. The cooperation of active
      brothers who  participated was just
      over  80  percent,  which  is  up  from
      years prior. Our donation amount
      to the Alzheimer’s Association is well
      over  $15,000,  another  milestone  in
      the event’s decorated history. Finally,
      BBIO also had record attendance this
      year, as well as record participation from                                      Proud to work with Miss Gainesville
      our sorority partners seeing as all 18,                                         2019, Sophia Rappaport. Be sure to
      the normal 17 plus the newly formed                                                cheer her on at Miss Florida!

                                              SOCIAL UPDATE

     By Adam Cook | Social Chairman
      The spring social semester has been a great success  Gamma. Our first date function was our Annual  South Florida region. This semester has been great
     thus far. With a record-high of 133 socially active  Woodser, Ski Lodge. I have two more planned to  for Beta and its social standing here on campus. And
     brothers, I have had a substantial budget to plan  occur later in the semester, including a concert to  with the direction Greek life is headed in, I feel we
     many new events. With the help of my assistant,  see the alternative band Hippie Sabotage in Saint  have developed a healthy schedule that allows us to
     Adam Sigman, I have planned several socials with  Petersburg, as well as attending a Jacksonville Jumbo  perform optimally within our restrictions.
     sororities, date functions, as well as our annual  Shrimp minor league baseball game.
     formal event to Fort Lauderdale.         Our formal weekend will
      These socials include a roller rink social with  take place at the Sonesta
     Alpha Delta Pi, a BBQ with Alpha Omicron Pi for  Hotel in Fort Lauderdale,
     their Dad’s Weekend, and a beach trip with Delta  an outstanding resort in the

             Sophomores at the Alpha Delta Pi Roller Rink Social.               Seniors at their final Ski Lodge.

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